Torah 101-Bo

The picture above is a montage of Amenhotep II, whom I believe is the Pharaoh of Exodus. Just look at this guy…especially the shot of him on his own war chariot, and ask yourself: Does he not look the part of the adversary Moshe describes in this section of Exodus? Bear in mind this carving of him was done after he died, but if my identification is correct, the man Moshe confronts is much younger, athletic ruler and seasoned commander all of 26 years old and with 8 solid years of experience on the throne–10 if we count his 2 year co-regency with his father Thutmoses III who may be the greater warrior king of them all. Imagine Moshe going up against this formidable king whose empire is at the peak of its power and experience, more than 1,700 years after his civilization was founded. Egypt is at this moment, quite simply, the greatest human power the world had ever known, but all that counts for nothing when it goes to war, as it does this week, with Father YAH, Master of Hosts!

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WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Apostolic Writings Aramaic to English translation and Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home”