Torah Portion Podcasts


Here you’ll find a list of our Torah Portion audio recordings. We hope you enjoy.

  • Ekev (Audio Portion)

    “Ekev” means “because” or “if only.” Following the theme of last week’s parsha of Va’etchanan, Moshe continues his urgent pleas …

  • Va’etchanan (Audio Portion)

    Va’etchanan means “and I pleaded” or “and I asked for favor/mercy.” This is Moshe pleading with Abba YHWH one last …

  • Devarim (Audio Portion)

    Devarim means “the words” and as the book opens we enter the last day of Moshe’s life. Moshe begins the …

  • Mattot-Masei (Audio Portion)

    Mattot means “the tribes,” but also has very interesting secondary meanings of “staff, scepter, rod, branch,” all of which seem …

  • Pinchas (Audio Portion)

    Pinchas refers to the man whose righteous example of purging evil from Israel’s ranks moved Abba YHWH to stop a …

  • Balak (Audio Portion)

    Balak refers to the man, Balak of Zippor, who was the king of Moab and a resolute enemy of Israel. …

  • Chukkat (Audio Portion)

    Chukkat” means “statute” and the portion opens with the requirements of the famous red heifer, that perfect red young cow …

  • Korach (Audio Portion)

    “Korach” refers to the man of the same name who was responsible for mounting a rebellion against Moshe. There are …

  • Behalotekha (Audio Portion)

    “BeHalotekha” means “when you elevate” as in “when you lift up the lamps.” Aaron is commanded to light the lamps …

  • Naso (Audio Portion)

    “Naso” means “take,” as in “you will take an accounting of Israel” or a census. This portion begins with the …