Torah 101-Tetzaveh

They say the best secrets are the ones that hide in plain sight. The ones in this parsha are no exception, as the most visible and prominent member of the Israelite community–the high priest–literally hides a universe worth of secrets both on and under his own clothes. The fabrics, the colors, the dimensions, not a single detail is without a deeper meaning. Also get a very special calendar update on the challenges that await us in 2019 and find out how one of the most familar parables of them all hides one of the greatest secrets of them all. And feast season returns…the Purim Special is next week!

Clarification for Torah 101 There was one thought I was trying to get out about calendar math that I wish I said a little bit better. I was talking about the tradition that there were 36 bells and 36 pomegranates alternating around the hem of the high priest’s garment, for a total of 72. I was trying to explain how 72 was related to calendar math but since I was talking about 360 months that were 30 days long it distracted me for just a moment and then I just moved on. What I should have said was that 72 was a unit of the full 360 day year, not the 30 day month, since 360 = 72 x 5. So I thought I should just tell all of you this in advance before listening. Enjoy the rest I hope! Andrew

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WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Apostolic Writings Aramaic to English translation and Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home”