
“Be’shalach” means “let go”, and the portion begins with Pharaoh regretting his decision to free the Hebrews, so he musters his chariots in an attempt to bring them all back. Instead however Abba YHWH parts the waters of the Reed Sea and destroys Pharaoh’s army. But even as Israel rejoices, her trials are just beginning. After leaving camp from Elim on the 15th day (proving lunar sabbath wrong), the Israelites complain they don’t have enough meat, Abba YHWH sends a flock of quail and this is the first appearance of the mysterious Manna bread. The portion ends with a key victory against Amalek; a victory only achieved with Moshe’s arms being held up by Aaron and Hur.

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WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Apostolic Writings Aramaic to English translation and Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home”