Special Teaching: The Top 12 “Myth-Conceptions” of Luke and Qurinius!

Shalom everyone! Ever since we did the two-part Star of Bethlehem videos, I have also wanted to spend more time on Luke and the census of Quirinius, which I only touched on briefly there. Out of that same vein of research then comes this two-part investigation, exposing the lies of biblical skeptics once and for all! See clear proof that Luke knew about both censuses, the one in the final years of Herod the Great and the 6 CE one led by the rebel Judas. See also how Josephus does in fact give all the historical background needed to prove a census happened in 6 BCE as punishment for Herod lying to Emperor Augustus. We will also look at genuine historical inscriptions about Qurinius proving he served as ruler in Syria on at least two and possibly more occasions. If you love defending the Scripture, this series is definitely for you! Enjoy!

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Vayigash (Audio Portion)

Vayigash means “and he approached,” referring to Judah approaching Joseph and pleading with him to return Benjamin. After this plea Joseph reveals his true identity and begins reconciling with his brothers. The portion ends with Joseph sending his brothers to fetch Jacob into Egypt and setting up the main foundation pieces for what will become the Exodus.

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Vayigash means “and he approached,” referring to Judah approaching Joseph and pleading with him to return Benjamin. After this plea Joseph reveals his true identity and begins reconciling with his brothers. The portion ends with Joseph sending his brothers to fetch Jacob into Egypt and setting up the main foundation pieces for what will become the Exodus.

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Mikkets (Audio Portion)

Mikkets means “at the end” as in at the end of two years since Joseph interpreted the dreams of the baker and wine taster, and about three and half years for the total time of Joseph’s confinement. When Pharaoh has bad dreams and can’t get any of his seers to interpret them, the wine taster remembers Joseph and tells Pharaoh he can help. After Joseph correctly interprets the dream, he is quickly elevated to the second in command, given an Egyptian priestess for wife and moves forward with his plan for storing grain during the years of plenty. The rest of the portion details the intricate series of comical pranks Joseph plays on his brothers—but to those brothers it is a matter of life and death which, obviously, is the whole point. It’s time for Joseph to hold their lives in HIS hands.

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Mikkets means “at the end” as in at the end of two years since Joseph interpreted the dreams of the baker and wine taster, and about three and half years for the total time of Joseph’s confinement. When Pharaoh has bad dreams and can’t get any of his seers to interpret them, the wine taster remembers Joseph and tells Pharaoh he can help. After Joseph correctly interprets the dream, he is quickly elevated to the second in command, given an Egyptian priestess for wife and moves forward with his plan for storing grain during the years of plenty. The rest of the portion details the intricate series of comical pranks Joseph plays on his brothers—but to those brothers it is a matter of life and death which, obviously, is the whole point. It’s time for Joseph to hold their lives in HIS hands.

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2023 Hanukkah Special!

From the pages of Genesis to Revelation, no feast has more clues about its prophetic approach than Hanukkah. This so-called “optional” feast that Jews keep though it is not in Tanakh and most Christians do not keep though it is in Yochanan 10, is one important enough to Yeshua that he went 90 miles in the rain and mud to get to Jerusalem, knowing he would get in and argument and yet proclaimed to the Pharisees, “I and my Father are one.” Join the journey to see Hanukkah also foreshadowed centuries in advance by Nehemiah and others. Keep Reeding

2023 Hanukkah Special (Audio Portion)

From the pages of Genesis to Revelation, no feast has more clues about its prophetic approach than Hanukkah. This so-called “optional” feast that Jews keep though it is not in Tanakh and most Christians do not keep though it is in Yochanan 10, is one important enough to Yeshua that he went 90 miles in the rain and mud to get to Jerusalem, knowing he would get in and argument and yet proclaimed to the Pharisees, “I and my Father are one.” Join the journey to see Hanukkah also foreshadowed centuries in advance by Nehemiah and others. Keep Reeding

Vayeshev (Audio Portion)

Vayeshev means “and he dwelled.” This portion opens with the amazing story of Joseph, starting with his being sold into slavery to Midianite traders who in turn sell him in Egypt. The parsha then interrupts the Joseph story with the account of Judah and Tamar, but then resumes talking about Joseph first being tempted by his master’s wife only to have his abstinence backfire and land him in prison. Once there, Joseph’s intellect gets him noticed and he makes prophecies that come true for two prisoners, the baker and the wine taster. The baker is killed but the wine taster was prophesied to go free but reneged on his promise to put in a good word for Joseph immediately upon his release.

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Vayeshev means “and he dwelled.” This portion opens with the amazing story of Joseph, starting with his being sold into slavery to Midianite traders who in turn sell him in Egypt. The parsha then interrupts the Joseph story with the account of Judah and Tamar, but then resumes talking about Joseph first being tempted by his master’s wife only to have his abstinence backfire and land him in prison. Once there, Joseph’s intellect gets him noticed and he makes prophecies that come true for two prisoners, the baker and the wine taster. The baker is killed but the wine taster was prophesied to go free but reneged on his promise to put in a good word for Joseph immediately upon his release.

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Vayishlach means “and he sent” and once again the ‘he’ is Jacob sending messengers ahead with gifts in an attempt to reconcile with Esau, and what follows is for me, bar none, the greatest apology EVER given in Scripture. After that we get the tragic story of Dinah and Shechem where he rapes her and, even though he later wishes to make it right by marrying her, the sons of Israel exact revenge anyway. This is followed by a rather unique wrestling match—in this corner, the cunning man of Canaan, Jacob! And in that corner-uh-Yeshua the Messiah! Guess who wins. The parsha ends by giving Esau’s extensive descendant list.

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Vayishlach (Audio Portion)

Vayishlach means “and he sent” and once again the ‘he’ is Jacob sending messengers ahead with gifts in an attempt to reconcile with Esau, and what follows is for me, bar none, the greatest apology EVER given in Scripture. After that we get the tragic story of Dinah and Shechem where he rapes her and, even though he later wishes to make it right by marrying her, the sons of Israel exact revenge anyway. This is followed by a rather unique wrestling match—in this corner, the cunning man of Canaan, Jacob! And in that corner-uh-Yeshua the Messiah! Guess who wins. The parsha ends by giving Esau’s extensive descendant list.

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Channel 24–Andrew Gabriel Roth on “The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity”

Here is another video in the series I did for Channel 24. On this installment, my first one back in December 2017, I talk about “The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity” which shows that Torah is the way to a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with Yeshua the Messiah. Enjoy!