Ekev (Audio Portion)

“Ekev” means “because” or “if only.” Following the theme of last week’s parsha of Va’etchanan, Moshe continues his urgent pleas to this current generation to realize that they are honor-bound to continue in the covenant originally granted to their fathers and that they, in a limited sense, share blame with their fathers for what went wrong. However, the positive side is also great in that they, unlike their fathers can inherit the Promised Land “if only” they obey and repent!

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“Ekev” means “because” or “if only.” Following the theme of last week’s parsha of Va’etchanan, Moshe continues his urgent pleas to this current generation to realize that they are honor-bound to continue in the covenant originally granted to their fathers and that they, in a limited sense, share blame with their fathers for what went wrong. However, the positive side is also great in that they, unlike their fathers can inherit the Promised Land “if only” they obey and repent!

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Va’etchanan (Audio Portion)

Va’etchanan means “and I pleaded” or “and I asked for favor/mercy.” This is Moshe pleading with Abba YHWH one last time to ask to be allowed to enter into the Promised Land. Abba YHWH though utterly refuses and says, “Speak to Me no more on this matter!” After an extensive prologue in chapter 4, the Ten Commandments are re-stated in chapter 5 and the foundational Shema prayer of course is the highlight of the Tanakh as well as chapter 6! The remainder of the portion is concerned with reinforcing obedience as the way to a better life.

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Va’etchanan means “and I pleaded” or “and I asked for favor/mercy.” This is Moshe pleading with Abba YHWH one last time to ask to be allowed to enter into the Promised Land. Abba YHWH though utterly refuses and says, “Speak to Me no more on this matter!” After an extensive prologue in chapter 4, the Ten Commandments are re-stated in chapter 5 and the foundational Shema prayer of course is the highlight of the Tanakh as well as chapter 6! The remainder of the portion is concerned with reinforcing obedience as the way to a better life.

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Devarim (Audio Portion)

Devarim means “the words” and as the book opens we enter the last day of Moshe’s life. Moshe begins the book by recapping the details of the last 40 years. The portion ends with Moshe reminding Israel of the times that Abba YHWH fought for them. Now that the evil generation is gone, the time has come to strengthen their children by having them know that Abba YHWH is with them as they enter Canaan.

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Devarim means “the words” and as the book opens we enter the last day of Moshe’s life. Moshe begins the book by recapping the details of the last 40 years. The portion ends with Moshe reminding Israel of the times that Abba YHWH fought for them. Now that the evil generation is gone, the time has come to strengthen their children by having them know that Abba YHWH is with them as they enter Canaan.

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Masei (Audio Portion)

Masei means “the journeys,” and the entire 33rd chapter is devoted to the list of the 42 places the Israelites stopped at along the way to Canaan. The rest of the portion concerns detailed rules about what the land’s borders will be, which tribe gets what, and general rules on inheritance. There is a sequel at the end of the portion where the daughters of Tzelophehad are told they must marry within their tribe to inherit. If they marry outside, they do not get their inheritance.

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Masei means “the journeys,” and the entire 33rdchapter is devoted to the list of the 42 places the Israelites stopped at along the way to Canaan. The rest of the portion concerns detailed rules about what the land’s borders will be, which tribe gets what, and general rules on inheritance. There is a sequel at the end of the portion where the daughters of Tzelophehad are told they must marry within their tribe to inherit. If they marry outside, they do not get their inheritance.

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Mattot (Audio Portion)

Mattot means “the tribes,” but also has very interesting secondary meanings of “staff, scepter, rod, branch,” all of which seem relevant here. The portion opens with a discussion on the need to fulfill valid oaths to Abba YHWH to the letter-valid meaning that the oath is not contradictory to Abba YHWH’s laws or pronouncements. Various examples and applications of this principle follow.  Then it is time to actually go to war against Midian. It is interesting that the previous portion had Israel get ready for this mentally, by totally changing their attitude and then Abba YHWH says, “Now is the time.”  Midian is crushed and defeated completely.

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Mattot means “the tribes,” but also has very interesting secondary meanings of “staff, scepter, rod, branch,” all of which seem relevant here. The portion opens with a discussion on the need to fulfill valid oaths to Abba YHWH to the letter-valid meaning that the oath is not contradictory to Abba YHWH’s laws or pronouncements. Various examples and applications of this principle follow.  Then it is time to actually go to war against Midian. It is interesting that the previous portion had Israel get ready for this mentally, by totally changing their attitude and then Abba YHWH says, “Now is the time.”  Midian is crushed and defeated completely.

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Pinchas refers to the man whose righteous example of purging evil from Israel’s ranks moved Abba YHWH to stop a plague that would have otherwise destroyed all Israel. More than that, the portion starts with Pinchas getting a particularly high honor from Abba YHWH, the covenant of peace that rests on him alone and ensures his progeny the high priesthood. But with the population of Israel decimated by the plague, a new census had to be done in chapter 26. When that counting was concluded, Moshe is then given a very interesting issue to deliberate on: Should women be allowed to inherit their father’s estate under certain special circumstances? Abba YHWH’s answer back to Moshe and Israel then shows us the most progressive law regarding women’s rights in the entire ancient world. After this we get more purity regulations and a repetition of the Moedim, or appointed times of Abba YHWH along with their associated offerings given in chapters 28 and 29.

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Pinchas (Audio Portion)

Pinchas refers to the man whose righteous example of purging evil from Israel’s ranks moved Abba YHWH to stop a plague that would have otherwise destroyed all Israel. More than that, the portion starts with Pinchas getting a particularly high honor from Abba YHWH, the covenant of peace that rests on him alone and ensures his progeny the high priesthood. But with the population of Israel decimated by the plague, a new census had to be done in chapter 26. When that counting was concluded, Moshe is then given a very interesting issue to deliberate on: Should women be allowed to inherit their father’s estate under certain special circumstances? Abba YHWH’s answer back to Moshe and Israel then shows us the most progressive law regarding women’s rights in the entire ancient world. After this we get more purity regulations and a repetition of the Moedim, or appointed times of Abba YHWH along with their associated offerings given in chapters 28 and 29.

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