Ki Teze means “when you go out” as in terms of when Israel confronts her enemies on the battle field. One main war regulation is given at the start, and that is what to do with a woman taken captive from the nations that a Jewish man wants to make a wife. From there other requirements about marriage under other circumstances follow that have
nothing to do with war. Many other marital and purity regulations follow for the remainder of this portion.
Ki Teze means “when you go out” as in terms of when Israel confronts her enemies on the battle field. One main war regulation is given at the start, and that is what to do with a woman taken captive from the nations that a Jewish man wants to make a wife. From there other requirements about marriage under other circumstances follow that have
nothing to do with war. Many other marital and purity regulations follow for the remainder of this portion.
Here the Torah tells us how to set up the ideal legal system of judges and courts, for the benefit of all. How do kosher investigations and kosher witnesses work? How can we know the truth and who is the final arbiter of the verdicts? These and many other fascinating details are fully explained, with the last chapter (16) once again telling us how to keep the Feasts!
Here the Torah tells us how to set up the ideal legal system of judges and courts, for the benefit of all. How do kosher investigations and kosher witnesses work? How can we know the truth and who is the final arbiter of the verdicts? These and many other fascinating details are fully explained, with the last chapter (16) once again telling us how to keep the Feasts!
Re’eh means “see,” and it begins with that great summary of the covenant: I set aside two ways for you, blessing and cursing, life and death. Shortly afterwards, a number of regulations about the place for Abba YHWH’s Name—Jerusalem though no one other than Abba YHWH knows that yet—are given. Some kosher regulations are restated or clarified and the law of the shemittah is given and explained. The portion wraps up with a restatement of the Hebrew festivals.
Re’eh means “see,” and it begins with that great summary of the covenant: I set aside two ways for you, blessing and cursing, life and death. Shortly afterwards, a number of regulations about the place for Abba YHWH’s Name—Jerusalem though no one other than Abba YHWH knows that yet—are given. Some kosher regulations are restated or clarified and the law of the shemittah is given and explained. The portion wraps up with a restatement of the Hebrew festivals.
“Ekev” means “because” or “if only.” Following the theme of last week’s parsha of Va’etchanan, Moshe continues his urgent pleas to this current generation to realize that they are honor-bound to continue in the covenant originally granted to their fathers and that they, in a limited sense, share blame with their fathers for what went wrong. However, the positive side is also great in that they, unlike their fathers can inherit the Promised Land “if only” they obey and repent!
“Ekev” means “because” or “if only.” Following the theme of last week’s parsha of Va’etchanan, Moshe continues his urgent pleas to this current generation to realize that they are honor-bound to continue in the covenant originally granted to their fathers and that they, in a limited sense, share blame with their fathers for what went wrong. However, the positive side is also great in that they, unlike their fathers can inherit the Promised Land “if only” they obey and repent!
Va’etchanan means “and I pleaded” or “and I asked for favor/mercy”. This is Moshe pleading with Abba YHWH one last time to ask to be allowed to enter into the Promised Land. Abba YHWH though utterly refuses and says, “Speak to Me no more on this matter”! After an extensive prologue in chapter 4, the Ten Commandments are re-stated in chapter 5 and the foundational Shema prayer of course is the highlight of the Tanakh as well as chapter 6! The remainder of the portion is concerned with reinforcing obedience as the way to a better life.
Also check out our special Tisha b’Av content: A special 5 part video investigation into the true location of the Temples of YHWH!
Va’etchanan means “and I pleaded” or “and I asked for favor/mercy”. This is Moshe pleading with Abba YHWH one last time to ask to be allowed to enter into the Promised Land. Abba YHWH though utterly refuses and says, “Speak to Me no more on this matter”! After an extensive prologue in chapter 4, the Ten Commandments are re-stated in chapter 5 and the foundational Shema prayer of course is the highlight of the Tanakh as well as chapter 6! The remainder of the portion is concerned with reinforcing obedience as the way to a better life.
Reminder: If you feel the need, please click on the left side of the triangle icon (lower right corner, fourth from the right) to reduce the volume or gain. On some playbacks I saw the need to do this while others were fine.
Also check out our special Tisha b’Av content: A special 5 part video investigation into the true location of the Temples of YHWH!
It’s that time of year again, this special interval between the end of the spring feasts but before the fall feasts when many folks begin making plans for next year. To help, here is the 2022 Eternal Torah Calendar, with detailed explanations and comparisons to the Rabbinic Calendar as well. May it truly be a blessing for all of you! Enjoy!
Devarim means “the words” and as the book opens we enter the last day of Moshe’s life. Moshe begins the book by recapping the details of the last 40 years. The portion ends with Moshe reminding Israel of the times that Abba YHWH fought for them. Now that the evil generation is gone, the time has come to strengthen their children by having them know that Abba YHWH is with them as they enter Canaan.