Chag Sameyach! From early hints in Genesis linked to Jacob to some of the last parts of Revelation, so Feast has the range and depth of Sukkot. Enjoy this second of two in-depth feast teachings, this one covering more on the special Shabbat during the Feast and the last two special days of the Feast along with the last parsha of the year, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. For those looking for a taste of what heaven or the Millennial Kingdom is to be like, look no further than Sukkot. May you all rejoice before YHWH greatly during this Set-Apart time! Keep Reeding
Chag Sameyach! From early hints in Genesis linked to Jacob to some of the last parts of Revelation, so Feast has the range and depth of Sukkot. Enjoy this second of two in-depth feast teachings, this one covering more on the special Shabbat during the Feast and the last two special days of the Feast along with the last parsha of the year, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. For those looking for a taste of what heaven or the Millennial Kingdom is to be like, look no further than Sukkot. May you all rejoice before YHWH greatly during this Set-Apart time! Keep Reeding
Ha’azinu means “give your ears” or “listen.” It is the opening stanza of Moshe’s last song that he spoke of at the end of the previous portion. Although the language is poetic, the graphic imagery is meant for easy remembrance and its warnings are definitely LITERAL. There is no other poetry done as well in Tanakh except perhaps Job 38-42.
Ha’azinu means “give your ears” or “listen.” It is the opening stanza of Moshe’s last song that he spoke of at the end of the previous portion. Although the language is poetic, the graphic imagery is meant for easy remembrance and its warnings are definitely LITERAL. There is no other poetry done as well in Tanakh except perhaps Job 38-42.
May you have a wonderful Yom Kippur fast and be written in the Book of Life for another good year!
Also a reminder: If you are considering doing a home service for the fast, check out the Yom Kippur Special and the Home Service Guide! Peace and blessings!
From clues deeply embedded in Noah’s Flood, to some of the most powerful teachings Yeshua the Messiah ever gave and all the way to the ultimate apocalyptic imagery in the Book of Revelation, Yom Kippur is the most sacred day of them all and it lays at the heart of the Scripture itself. Put simply, it doesn’t get more critical than this moment!
Extra Special Bonus: 2021 Yom Kippur Home Service Guide!
From clues deeply embedded in Noah’s Flood, to some of the most powerful teachings Yeshua the Messiah ever gave and all the way to the ultimate apocalyptic imagery in the Book of Revelation, Yom Kippur is the most sacred day of them all and it lays at the heart of the Scripture itself. Put simply, it doesn’t get more critical than this moment!
Vayelech means, “and he went out/walked” referring of course to Moshe. The portion begins in
a time of transition, where Joshua is brought forward as the next leader and final instructions to
Israel are given. The portion ends with Moshe recording the words to a song, but those words
are not given until the following portion, Ha’azinu.
Vayelech means, “and he went out/walked” referring of course to Moshe. The portion begins in
a time of transition, where Joshua is brought forward as the next leader and final instructions to
Israel are given. The portion ends with Moshe recording the words to a song, but those words
are not given until the following portion, Ha’azinu.
We at One Faith One People Ministries are grateful for all of you who supported us throughout this time–a year like none other for so many reasons. Jaye and I wish you all a Happy New Year and a joyous Yom Teruah and Rosh Hashanna. May you all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a good year. Please stay tuned also for announcements regarding Feast and other special teachings throughout this wonderful month of Tishri. Blessings to all!
Andrew and Jaye
Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! Enjoy! Keep Reeding
Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! Enjoy! Keep Reeding