Tazria- Metzora

Tazria means “to bring seed, give birth.” It begins with the “niddah” rules, or how a woman is unclean for a certain period after giving birth. The rest of the portion then deals with how lepers are to be isolated and ultimately pronounced clean by the priests before being allowed to rejoin Israel.

“Metzora” or more precisely “Ha Metzora” means “The Leper,” and the portion concerns primarily how a leper gets pronounced clean by the priests, how he demonstrates he has been cleansed from the disease. The previous Torah portion (Tazria) concerned states of impurity and isolation for women who have just given birth and lepers. This portion deals with how to get the lepers clean again. It then takes an interesting turn to discuss what happens when a whole house becomes unclean before ending with other purity rules for men and women. Also there is a special teaching on the heresy of Lunar Sabbath. Enjoy!

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2021 Pesach Special (Audio Portion)

From deep associations with Noah’s Flood, Abraham and Lot to its observance in Israel waxing and waning for centuries on end, no Great Feast has quite the range and biblical impact as Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread and for Moshe personally, no other feast is more inextricably tied to his own triumphs and tragedies as he struggles to lead his people out of Egypt. While wicked rulers tried to make it extinct, it continuously is established a re-established by David, Hezekiah, Josiah and Nehemiah, all before being given the ultimate significance as the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah. Explore some of the deep associations and hidden aspects of this critical occasion, as we go behind the scenes throughout the sweep of the biblical period and into our prophetic future through the great and essential key that is Pesach. Enjoy!

2021 Pesach Special!

From deep associations with Noah’s Flood, Abraham and Lot to its observance in Israel waxing and waning for centuries on end, no Great Feast has quite the range and biblical impact as Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread and for Moshe personally, no other feast is more inextricably tied to his own triumphs and tragedies as he struggles to lead his people out of Egypt. While wicked rulers tried to make it extinct, it continuously is established a re-established by David, Hezekiah, Josiah and Nehemiah, all before being given the ultimate significance as the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah. Explore some of the deep associations and hidden aspects of this critical occasion, as we go behind the scenes throughout the sweep of the biblical period and into our prophetic future through the great and essential key that is Pesach. Enjoy!

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In Search of the Last Autograph Manuscript of the New Testament

In a special exclusive just for One Faith One People Ministries friends and members, this is the only place to the get the full story of my ongoing quest to retrieve Aramaic Gospels written in 78 CE from the Vatican Library. This story is completely updated, including the most recent correspondence between myself and the staff at the Vatican Library. Enter the mystery and follow the clues in this nearly 2 hour exploration into real history and spiritual politics. This is the only place to get the full story of what I have told only in shorter versions before. This is not Hollywood and it’s not Dan Brown either. It’s a real life adventure in quest of what will be the most important discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls…and it’s all true!

Compare this to the “public version” that comes in at 28 minutes!

Still in a hurry? Read this brief scholarly essay complete with maps and a bibliography.

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Or, take a wider view and see how to separate history from legend in Syriac religious literature.

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“The extraordinary richness of the Vatican manuscript collections – Latin, Greek and Oriental – make it one of the world’s outstanding libraries in terms of the quantity and the quality of the manuscripts preserved there, which range from papyrus codices of the Gospels and of other New Testament writings, transcribed only a few decades after they were composed, to late antique manuscripts of Vergil and Terence.” – Official statement from the Vatican Library, https://www.vaticanlibrary.va/en/the-collections/manuscript-department.html.

Shemini (Audio Portion)

Shemini means “on the 8th day” deals with the end of the priests’ consecration period. After this, they can then make expiation for all of Israel. Unfortunately however, two of Aaron’s sons pay the ultimate price for not ministering properly to the people. The portion then ends with the “kosher list” of what can and cannot be eaten, a perfect segue into our Renewed Covenant reading which also discusses kosher food.

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Shemini means “on the 8th day” deals with the end of the priests’ consecration period. After this, they can then make expiation for all of Israel. Unfortunately however, two of Aaron’s sons pay the ultimate price for not ministering properly to the people. The portion then ends with the “kosher list” of what can and cannot be eaten, a perfect segue into our Renewed Covenant reading which also discusses kosher food.

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Tzav (Audio Portion)

Tzav means “command” as in commanding the sons of Aaron. It is another form of the same root we saw in an earlier parsha “tetzaveh” or “you will command/charge.” This time the focus of the portion is on the priestly responsibilities in preparing sacrifices.

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Tzav means “command” as in commanding the sons of Aaron. It is another form of the same root we saw in an earlier parsha “tetzaveh” or “you will command/charge.” This time the focus of the portion is on the priestly responsibilities in preparing sacrifices.

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Vayikra (Audio Portion)

“Vayikra” means “and he called” and seems focused on the details about the various offerings and sacrifices that are needed for and by the priests of Aaron. I say “seems focused” because there are a lot of deep spiritual realities laying beneath the surface when we delve into the meanings of these rituals.

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“Vayikra” means “and he called” and seems focused on the details about the various offerings and sacrifices that are needed for and by the priests of Aaron. I say “seems focused” because there are a lot of deep spiritual realities laying beneath the surface when we delve into the meanings of these rituals.

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“Vayakhel” means “and he assembled”. The verb is derived from KAHAL, Hebrew for “assembly, congregation”. After a brief sermon on the importance of Shabbat, Moshe then gets the Israelites to work on the manifold details of building the Tabernacle and related furniture and objects.

“Pekudei” means “these are the records/expenses” and the portion opens with giving the pricing values for the materials that will be used in the Tabernacle. Many exacting physical (and spiritual) details are given for all the wondrous objects and the Tabernacle. But after all these long lists (from this portion and the previous ones) we finally get to the “payoff” in lovely chapter 40. It is in chapter 40—the last of Exodus—that time literally begins again as the priests begin their official service for Israel.

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Vayachel-Pekudei (Audio Portion)

“Vayachel” means “and he assembled”. The verb is derived from KAHAL, Hebrew for “assembly, congregation”. After a brief sermon on the importance of Shabbat, Moshe then gets the Israelites to work on the manifold details of building the Tabernacle and related furniture and objects.

“Pekudei” means “these are the records/expenses” and the portion opens with giving the pricing values for the materials that will be used in the Tabernacle. Many exacting physical (and spiritual) details are given for all the wondrous objects and the Tabernacle. But after all these long lists (from this portion and the previous ones) we finally get to the “payoff” in lovely chapter 40. It is in chapter 40—the last of Exodus—that time literally begins again as the priests begin their official service for Israel.

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