Meet the smaller rules that make keeping the Top Ten rules possible, and along the way encounter one of the most stunning visions anyone has ever had in Scripture; a vision that seems to hardly ever get any significant attention. Explore the mystery behind the commandments and enjoy a special look at the Armor of Elohim in Member Q&A.
The Ten Commandments are given and the world as we know it changes forever. Come back to Sinai, where no story is too great or too small to appreciate. From Jethro’s visit helping Moshe avoid death by exhaustion and hint at a squabble between him and Tzippora all the way to the Eternal Covenant being written in the living rock in front of two million Israelites and everything in between, it’s all here.
The Ten Commandments are given and the world as we know it changes forever. Come back to Sinai, where no story is too great or too small to appreciate. From Jethro’s visit helping Moshe avoid death by exhaustion and hint at a squabble between him and Tzippora all the way to the Eternal Covenant being written in the living rock in front of two million Israelites and everything in between, it’s all here.
The plagues are over. The war though is just beginning, and may have a shockingly short end. Time for Pharaoh to meet his destiny in the Sea of Reeds while the greatest threat to Moshe’s authority and mission continue to lie within the ranks of Israel. Please note that the audio from the last two videos is slightly lower than that of the first two and the difference may be noticeable in the second half of the mp3. Also see the special teachings on the secret calendar of the Dead Sea Scrolls! Enjoy!
The plagues are over. The war though is just beginning, and may have a shockingly short end. Time for Pharaoh to meet his destiny in the Sea of Reeds while the greatest threat to Moshe’s authority and mission continue to lie within the ranks of Israel. Also see the special teachings on the secret calendar of the Dead Sea Scrolls! Enjoy!
While this amazing discovery is also part of our Notes for this week’s parsha of Be’shallach, I also wanted to feature this article here as well. In this fascinating article, leading Dead Sea Scrolls scholars go over more evidence about the original Torah based calendar that preceded the rabbinic calendar. But there are also details we will review together about how the shadowy group of Essenes diverged from the correct timing and how a fragmented and in accurate version of what was a priestly system before it got corrupted in extrabiblical literature like 1 Enoch and Jubilees. Where did they go wrong that the Dead Sea Scrolls did better, and where did truth leave calendar processes altogether due to bad spiritual politics? Find out! Keep Reeding
It’s “Bo time” and for the Egyptians that is not a good thing. Seven plagues have devastated that nation for nearly 6 weeks but the worst is yet to come: locusts, darkness and the slaying of the first born of Egypt. Yet Pharaoh is stubborn to the end, even when he sees repeatedly how powerless he really is, with Egypt herself slipping from his grasp. That nation will not experience anything nearly as devastating again—that is until our Haftorah portion in Jeremiah 46 shows them being punished again, this time with some Hebrews themselves participating in pagan worship! Also please check out our “Supplemental Materials” this week for a look at how the Haftorah portion relates to the search for the Ark of the Covenant! Enjoy!
It’s “Bo time” and for the Egyptians that is not a good thing. Seven plagues have devastated that nation for nearly 6 weeks but the worst is yet to come: locusts, darkness and the slaying of the first born of Egypt. Yet Pharaoh is stubborn to the end, even when he sees repeatedly how powerless he really is, with Egypt herself slipping from his grasp. That nation will not experience anything nearly as devastating again—that is until our Haftorah portion in Jeremiah 46 shows them being punished again, this time with some Hebrews themselves participating in pagan worship! Also please check out our “Supplemental Materials” this week for a look at how the Haftorah portion relates to the search for the Ark of the Covenant! Enjoy!
The tribes of Israel have been harried and persecuted by the greatest human-based empire on the planet. Desperate, they cry out for a savior to come to them with miracles and save them from slavery and despair. But this isn’t the story of Y’shua–it’s the start of the story of Moshe himself. Join what is very likely the most influential saga ever given to the human race before Messiah. And it’s all true!
The tribes of Israel have been harried and persecuted by the greatest human-based empire on the planet. Desperate, they cry out for a savior to come to them with miracles and save them from slavery and despair. But this isn’t the story of Y’shua–it’s the start of the story of Moshe himself. Join what is very likely the most influential saga ever given to the human race before Messiah. And it’s all true!