In this parsha Moshe discusses the challenging topics of rules of war and rules of marriage, literally at the same time and in the same commandment. This parsha in fact is so robust that even the way Moshe arranges his topics is meant to provoke his audience. Find out how this great leader addresses all matters of conflict, from international events that shake the region right down to the most intimate relationships a human being can have.
It’s one thing to be resigned to the fact that you are about to die mere moments after you finish a few speeches, but it is quite another to talk about and graphically describe all the mechanisms and infrastructure that are about to replace you. This is what Moshe does in great detail as he goes into how to set up a court system, root out corruption and a host of other legal matters. The system Moshe outlines is unlike anything the ancient or modern world has ever produced and yet if Israel must trade Moshe for that system, there seems every indication they were better off under him. However, hope will always remain so long as some in Israel realize their ultimate King is YHWH Himself. Keep Reeding
It’s one thing to be resigned to the fact that you are about to die mere moments after you finish a few speeches, but it is quite another to talk about and graphically describe all the mechanisms and infrastructure that are about to replace you. This is what Moshe does in great detail as he goes into how to set up a court system, root out corruption and a host of other legal matters. The system Moshe outlines is unlike anything the ancient or modern world has ever produced and yet if Israel must trade Moshe for that system, there seems every indication they were better off under him. However, hope will always remain so long as some in Israel realize their ultimate King is YHWH Himself.
It’s one thing to be resigned to the fact that you are about to die mere moments after you finish a few speeches, but it is quite another to talk about and graphically describe all the mechanisms and infrastructure that are about to replace you. This is what Moshe does in great detail as he goes into how to set up a court system, root out corruption and a host of other legal matters. The system Moshe outlines is unlike anything the ancient or modern world has ever produced and yet if Israel must trade Moshe for that system, there seems every indication they were better off under him. However, hope will always remain so long as some in Israel realize their ultimate King is YHWH Himself.
This week Moshe brings clarity on a whole variety of legal and moral issues. Some of these include: What if a prophet tells Israel to follow pagan gods and the miracle he predicts comes true? Why does Israel have to go to total war sometimes killing every living thing in a village? What happens if the place Father Yah chooses to dwell in is far away and you cannot bring the needed livestock for a sacrifice you can only do there? And what about that odd rule that what is unkosher for you is okay to either give away to proselyte or sell to a pagan? Get some needed answers on these (or at least helpful suggestions that may point you in the right direction for your own discovery) and many other challenging matters today! Keep Reeding
This week Moshe brings clarity on a whole variety of legal and moral issues. Some of these include: What if a prophet tells Israel to follow pagan gods and the miracle he predicts comes true? Why does Israel have to go to total war sometimes killing every living thing in a village? What happens if the place Father Yah chooses to dwell in is far away and you cannot bring the needed livestock for a sacrifice you can only do there? And what about that odd rule that what is unkosher for you is okay to either give away to proselyte or sell to a pagan? Get some needed answers on these (or at least helpful suggestions that may point you in the right direction for your own discovery) and many other challenging matters today!
This week Moshe brings clarity on a whole variety of legal and moral issues. Some of these include: What if a prophet tells Israel to follow pagan gods and the miracle he predicts comes true? Why does Israel have to go to total war sometimes killing every living thing in a village? What happens if the place Father Yah chooses to dwell in is far away and you cannot bring the needed livestock for a sacrifice you can only do there? And what about that odd rule that what is unkosher for you is okay to either give away to proselyte or sell to a pagan? Get some needed answers on these (or at least helpful suggestions that may point you in the right direction for your own discovery) and many other challenging matters today!
As Moshe gets into the second of his three final addresses for Israel, he tasks this current generation more intensively than ever to not make the same mistakes their fathers made and rise to heights their fathers never could, as they will enter the land and prosper “if only” they will have the wisdom to obey!
As Moshe gets into the second of his three final addresses for Israel, he tasks this current generation more intensively than ever to not make the same mistakes their fathers made and rise to heights their fathers never could, as they will enter the land and prosper “if only” they will have the wisdom to obey!
As Moshe gets into the second of his three final addresses for Israel, he tasks this current generation more intensively than ever to not make the same mistakes their fathers made and rise to heights their fathers never could, as they will enter the land and prosper “if only” they will have the wisdom to obey!
Now that Moshe has offered his introduction, it’s time to get into the heart of his overall message. This parsha of Va’etchanan gives us so many foundational aspects that go the core of his farewell address. There is an extensive refutation of idolatry that weaves its way throughout the entire section and the Ten Commandments are given to a new generation with some important differences. Chapter 6 gives of the Shema prayer in all of its glory while Moshe literally pulls out all the stops to make sure he has left no literary stone unturned for this last push to save his people from destruction.
Now that Moshe has offered his introduction, it’s time to get into the heart of his overall message. This parsha of Va’etchanan gives us so many foundational aspects that go the core of his farewell address. There is an extensive refutation of idolatry that weaves its way throughout the entire section and the Ten Commandments are given to a new generation with some important differences. Chapter 6 gives of the Shema prayer in all of its glory while Moshe literally pulls out all the stops to make sure he has left no literary stone unturned for this last push to save his people from destruction.