Balak (Audio Portion)

This story would be very funny if it wasn’t first sand foremost tragic. Balak of Moab is scared of Israel. He can’t overcome them with his army and he tries this week to engage a prophet for hire, Balaam, to curse Israel. Balaam tries repeatedly to to do so and get his reward from the king only to find Father Yah standing in his way with the truth. But before Balaam can even meet the king, he has to get past a heavenly messenger and deal with the wise rebuke of his own beast of burden. Ironically, after all that effort, Israel dooms itself this week by lapsing into promiscuity and idolatry. So sin was able to do to Israel what nothing else could not. Also on Scroll to Scroll a special look into the life of Peter.

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This story would be very funny if it wasn’t first and foremost tragic. Balak of Moab is scared of Israel. He can’t overcome them with his army and he tries this week to engage a prophet for hire, Balaam, to curse Israel. Balaam tries repeatedly to to do so and get his reward from the king only to find Father Yah standing in his way with the truth. But before Balaam can even meet the king, he has to get past a heavenly messenger and deal with the wise rebuke of his own beast of burden. Ironically, after all that effort, Israel dooms itself this week by lapsing into promiscuity and idolatry. So sin was able to do to Israel what nothing else could not. Also on Scroll to Scroll a special look into the life of Peter.

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Chukkat (Audio Version)

Remember back in Leviticus when it seemed parshas were all detail about sacrifices and architecture and little about conflict and action? Now here is this part of Numbers it seems it is all action–the bad kind–and no pausing at all. Even after miracles and plagues made it clear that Korah was evil, Israel still pines for him and his band and refuses to understand that Moshe is the only true representative for Elohim. This week things get really personal as both Moshe’s sister Miriam and brother Aaron die, and there is no rest from the wicked surrounding Moshe even in these tragic circumstances; only war, hardship and pain. In our Haftorah we also look at the mysterious Jephtah and ask the hard question: Did he really sacrifice his daughter in exchange for victory at war? All this, and I forgot to also mention, 38 years goes by in a flash so fast that the text barely lets you know what happened. Talk about losing track of time. And finally, for Scroll to Scroll, don’t miss the new teaching, “The Message of the Math”. Enjoy.

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Torah 101-Chukkat

Remember back in Leviticus when it seemed parshas were all detail about sacrifices and architecture and little about conflict and action? Now here is this part of Numbers it seems it is all action–the bad kind–and no pausing at all. Even after miracles and plagues made it clear that Korah was evil, Israel still pines for him and his band and refuses to understand that Moshe is the only true representative for Elohim. This week things get really personal as both Moshe’s sister Miriam and brother Aaron die, and there is no rest from the wicked surrounding Moshe even in these tragic circumstances; only war, hardship and pain. In our Haftorah we also look at the mysterious Jephtah and ask the hard question: Did he really sacrifice his daughter in exchange for victory at war? All this, and I forgot to also mention, 38 years goes by in a flash so fast that the text barely lets you know what happened. Talk about losing track of time. And finally, for Scroll to Scroll, don’t miss the new teaching, “The Message of the Math”. Enjoy.

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Remember back in Leviticus when it seemed parshas were all detail about sacrifices and architecture and little about conflict and action? Now here is this part of Numbers it seems it is all action–the bad kind–and no pausing at all. Even after miracles and plagues made it clear that Korah was evil, Israel still pines for him and his band and refuses to understand that Moshe is the only true representative for Elohim. This week things get really personal as both Moshe’s sister Miriam and brother Aaron die, and there is no rest from the wicked surrounding Moshe even in these tragic circumstances; only war, hardship and pain. In our Haftorah we also look at the mysterious Jephtah and ask the hard question: Did he really sacrifice his daughter in exchange for victory at war? All this, and I forgot to also mention, 38 years goes by in a flash so fast that the text barely lets you know what happened. Talk about losing track of time. And finally, for Scroll to Scroll, don’t miss the new teaching, “The Message of the Math”. Enjoy.

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Introduction to the Biblical Sabbath


Shelach Lecha-Korah (Audio Portion)

This is Moshe’s darkest hour but also the time of one of his greatest triumphs. Action and intrigue doesn’t get any more suspenseful than this one!

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Shelach Lecha-Korah

This is Moshe’s darkest hour but also the time of one of his greatest triumphs. Action and intrigue doesn’t get any more suspenseful than this one!

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Torah 101 will return next week with “Chukkat”!

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Torah 101-Behalotekha

For two years Israel has been sheltered under the safe haven of Mount Sinai, but now its time to hit the road. And, with a new journey of course come new dangers. But before they can walk one step the priests clearly need a refresher course to avoid more people dying, the entire military camp is reorganized and, lest we forget, Moshe very nearly has a nervous breakdown before having to deal with a rebellion led by his brother and sister! All in a day’s work, but then there is that mysterious calendar code (in the Scroll to Scroll version) where the Israelites walk out time mirroring the stars of heaven. This is one packed parsha that’s not to be missed!

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Behalotekha (Audio Portion)

For two years Israel has been sheltered under the safe haven of Mount Sinai, but now its time to hit the road. And, with a new journey of course come new dangers. But before they can walk one step the priests clearly need a refresher course to avoid more people dying, the entire military camp is reorganized and, lest we forget, Moshe very nearly has a nervous breakdown before having to deal with a rebellion led by his brother and sister! All in a day’s work, but then there is that mysterious calendar code (in the Scroll to Scroll version) where the Israelites walk out time mirroring the stars of heaven. This is one packed parsha that’s not to be missed!

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For two years Israel has been sheltered under the safe haven of Mount Sinai, but now its time to hit the road. And, with a new journey of course come new dangers. But before they can walk one step the priests clearly need a refresher course to avoid more people dying, the entire military camp is reorganized and, lest we forget, Moshe very nearly has a nervous breakdown before having to deal with a rebellion led by his brother and sister! All in a day’s work, but then there is that mysterious calendar code (in the Scroll to Scroll version) where the Israelites walk out time mirroring the stars of heaven. This is one packed parsha that’s not to be missed!

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