Torah 101-Shemini

It’s five priests for more than 2 million Israelites. That is, until it’s down to only three because Nadav and Avihu die for their rebellion against Father Yah. Even more socking, neither their father Aaron nor their brothers are allowed to bury them, because then the whole priesthood is at risk and, along with it, the fate of the entire nation. What Moshe and Aaron do now will literally determine the fate of an entire nation. No pressure guys, but whatever you do, you better do it soon!

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It’s five priests for more than 2 million Israelites. That is, until it’s down to only three because Nadav and Avihu die for their rebellion against Father Yah. Even more socking, neither their father Aaron nor their brothers are allowed to bury them, because then the whole priesthood is at risk and, along with it, the fate of the entire nation. What Moshe and Aaron do now will literally determine the fate of an entire nation. No pressure guys, but whatever you do, you better do it soon!

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Tzav (Audio Portion)

Welcome to the ordination of the priests, where one mistake can cost you your life and put a nation of more than 2 million in jeopardy. But Tzav is about far more than just a series of regulations regarding purity and sacrifices. It reaches deep into the secrets of time and history that are embedded in its text. Enjoy the journey!

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Welcome to the ordination of the priests, where one mistake can cost you your life and put a nation of more than 2 million in jeopardy. But Tzav is about far more than just a series of regulations regarding purity and sacrifices. It reaches deep into the secrets of time and history that are embedded in its text. Enjoy the journey!

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Welcome to the ordination of the priests, where one mistake can cost you your life and put a nation of more than 2 million in jeopardy. But Tzav is about far more than just a series of regulations regarding purity and sacrifices. It reaches deep into the secrets of time and history that are embedded in its text. Enjoy the journey!

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2018 Pesach Special (Audio Portion)

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2018 Pesach Special–Chag Sameyach!

Feast season is here at last! Celebrate with us with the 2018 Pesach Special, chock full of surprises and bonus content. In addition to the details reading and analysis from the Torah and the lingjuistics you’ve come to expect from Scroll to Scroll, go deep into bonus content as we explore the oldest “Seder” outside the Scripture, and it’s from Egypt in 419 BCE, from the records of a temple dedicated to Father Yah. We detail the story of Torah revival for a unique group of Jews who previously rebuked by Isaiah and Jeremiah for divided worship. Then we look into the mystery of the priestly calendar revealed in another unexpected place–Joshua chapter 4. Our studies then climax with a look at where the real Mount Sinai is located, with an adventure containing more twists and turns than any yarn spun in the mind of Hollywood, only this one’s all true. So feast on these treats as we celebrate together! Chag Sameyach!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

[pdf ]


Chag Sameyach—Pesach Special Bonus Book!

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Vayikra (AUdio Portion)

As the third book of Moshe opens, we are right back where we were at the end of Exodus. The Tabernacle is being erected and the detailed instructions for establishing the priesthood are being given. But there is so much else going on in this parsha than details on how to do burnt offerings! Our Messiah Y’shua is literally all over this text, sometimes in very surprising ways. Also find out about the latest calendar controversy literally just in time for Pesach and an counter missionary attack on Messiah that appeared to some so scary, that even a professional NT Greek scholar came to me for help on it. See the tricks and traps the counter missionaries use to twist the Torah and deny Messiah, from one who used to do that very thing (yes I mean me).

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Torah 101-Vayikra

As the third book of Moshe opens, we are right back where we were at the end of Exodus. The Tabernacle is being erected and the detailed instructions for establishing the priesthood are being given. But there is so much else going on in this parsha than details on how to do burnt offerings! Our Messiah Y’shua is literally all over this text, sometimes in very surprising ways. Also find out about the latest calendar controversy literally just in time for Pesach and an counter missionary attack on Messiah that appeared to some so scary, that even a professional NT Greek scholar came to me for help on it. See the tricks and traps the counter missionaries use to twist the Torah and deny Messiah, from one who used to do that very thing (yes I mean me).

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As the third book of Moshe opens, we are right back where we were at the end of Exodus. The Tabernacle is being erected and the detailed instructions for establishing the priesthood are being given. But there is so much else going on in this parsha than details on how to do burnt offerings! Our Messiah Y’shua is literally all over this text, sometimes in very surprising ways. Also find out about the latest calendar controversy literally just in time for Pesach and an counter missionary attack on Messiah that appeared to some so scary, that even a professional NT Greek scholar came to me for help on it. See the tricks and traps the counter missionaries use to twist the Torah and deny Messiah, from one who used to do that very thing (yes I mean me).

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Torah 101-Pekudei

Now the book of Exodus (Shemot) wraps up with some of its most amazing secrets, but they don’t reveal themselves easily. How is the approach of this parsha sending a strong message of integrity that echoes straight into our daily headlines? How does Aaron anticipate the end of King David’s life when nearly five centuries separate the two men? And, perhaps most interesting of them all, how is the Renewed Covenant message tied to the colors of the Tabernacle? These and many other revelations await, as I actually show the real math behind all these connections. Enjoy!

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