

Betrayal! Next time you are feeling a little down in the dumps about your family, think about Joseph. When he feels like his life is in a hole–it actually is–and his brothers put him there while debating whether murder or slavery would be a better fate for him. On the other hand, Joseph isn’t exactly perfectly innocent either, dangling his paternal favorite status like coat full of bling, with his father Jacob once again committing the error of favoring one immediate family over another–he just switched from wives to sons–but the effect is even worse and the ramifications much more long lasting. The fate of two nations now lies in the hands of a mischievous 17-year old who must decide which is worse: Living in Canaan with brothers who want him dead or in a foreign pagan land where strangers plot against him. Choose wisely Joseph…the fate of many hangs on what you do next.

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Torah 101 will return December 2nd with “Vayigash”!

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Torah 101-Vayishlach


Reconciliation! In a stunning climax to 20 years of grief, Jacob and Esau finally reconcile. But there are still many more challenges awaiting Jacob, not the least of which are his own children who betray the Shechemites and defy their own father to avenge the sexual assault of their sister Dinah? Did they go too far or was justice ultimately served? And Jacob’s ultimate return home is bittersweet as he loses the love of his life with Rachel’s death. It is an amazing study in contrasts, highs and lows unlike almost any other parsha, and chock full of surprises along the way.

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Vayishlach (Audio Portion)


Reconciliation! In a stunning climax to 20 years of grief, Jacob and Esau finally reconcile. But there are still many more challenges awaiting Jacob, not the least of which are his own children who betray the Shechemites and defy their own father to avenge the sexual assault of their sister Dinah? Did they go too far or was justice ultimately served? And Jacob’s ultimate return home is bittersweet as he loses the love of his life with Rachel’s death. It is an amazing study in contrasts, highs and lows unlike almost any other parsha, and chock full of surprises along the way.

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Reconciliation! In a stunning climax to 20 years of grief, Jacob and Esau finally reconcile. But there are still many more challenges awaiting Jacob, not the least of which are his own children who betray the Shechemites and defy their own father to avenge the sexual assault of their sister Dinah? Did they go too far or was justice ultimately served? And Jacob’s ultimate return home is bittersweet as he loses the love of his life with Rachel’s death. It is an amazing study in contrasts, highs and lows unlike almost any other parsha, and chock full of surprises along the way.

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Vayetze (Audio Portion)


Two sisters, one old man (their father) who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and caught in between a man who up until recently really thought he was the smartest guy in the room. Welcome to a true story too amazing for TV soaps and the drama is all too real. And if you think one guy being fought over by two powerful sisters is somehow “cool” for the guy, then you’re in for a shock with this one. Watch Laban only appear to agree with Jacob and use his two daughters as bargaining chips for his own gain. Then watch Jacob get overwhelmed for just a moment–like a 20-year long moment–only to turn the tables on Laban for good. But Jacob can’t rest even then, for just in front of him a divine messenger is looking for a wrestling match and the brother who vowed to kill him will soon send 400 armed men to see his brother return.

Oh, and did I mention that whole ladder to heaven thing? And, in a very special bonus video, a 2-hour talking powerpoint on the Ark of the Covenant and where it might be now if it still exists and this time I have also given you notes for that video inside the regular notes for the parsha. Any more action in this one and you’ll need to make popcorn.

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Bonus Teaching–In Search of the Ark of the Covenant!

Join me on my renewed quest to sift through the historical and archaeological record–along with the Scripture at the head of course–as we take a fresh take on this greatest of Biblical mysteries. Does the Ark of the Covenant exist and if it exists, where might it be today? Was Ron Wyatt right and it’s under Jerusalem? Or maybe Graham Hancock is correct that it is stored in an Ethiopian church, taken by the son of Solomon and Sheba? Or perhaps the Book of Maccabees is right and Jeremiah hid it? Or what if, in a very odd twist almost all these theories have some kernel of truth in a much bigger mystery story? I’ll show you the connections and try to shed light on some of the most obscure sounding passages in the Scripture that make no sense without a tie in to the Ark of the Covenant. This isn’t Hollywood…it’s better because it’s real.



Two sisters, one old man (their father) who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and caught in between a man who up until recently really thought he was the smartest guy in the room. Welcome to a true story too amazing for TV soaps and the drama is all too real. And if you think one guy being fought over by two powerful sisters is somehow “cool” for the guy, then you’re in for a shock with this one. Watch Laban only appear to agree with Jacob and use his two daughters as bargaining chips for his own gain. Then watch Jacob get overwhelmed for just a moment–like a 20-year long moment–only to turn the tables on Laban for good. But Jacob can’t rest even then, for just in front of him a divine messenger is looking for a wrestling match and the brother who vowed to kill him will soon send 400 armed men to see his brother return.

Oh, and did I mention that whole ladder to heaven thing? And, in a very special bonus video, a 2-hour talking powerpoint on the Ark of the Covenant and where it might be now if it still exists and this time I have also given you notes for that video inside the regular notes for the parsha. Any more action in this one and you’ll need to make popcorn.

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Torah 101 will return next week with “Vayishlach”!

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Toldot (Audio Portion)


Birthrights and blessings, prophecy and family deceptions and the most stable marriage perhaps in all Tanakh faces some of its most grievous moments, and that’s just one chapter! In terms of family drama, this is about as intimate and fascinating as it gets. One brother is is forced into the exile while the other vows to kill him next time they meet. Isaac and Rebecca are caught in the middle, though in their own ways they must own some of the responsibility for near catastrophe that visits them this week. Enter the tent and see this drama play out up close!

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Torah 101-Toldot


Birthrights and blessings, prophecy and family deceptions and the most stable marriage perhaps in all Tanakh faces some of its most grievous moments, and that’s just one chapter! In terms of family drama, this is about as intimate and fascinating as it gets. One brother is is forced into the exile while the other vows to kill him next time they meet. Isaac and Rebecca are caught in the middle, though in their own ways they must own some of the responsibility for near catastrophe that visits them this week. Enter the tent and see this drama play out up close!

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Birthrights and blessings, prophecy and family deceptions and the most stable marriage perhaps in all Tanakh faces some of its most grievous moments, and that’s just one chapter! In terms of family drama, this is about as intimate and fascinating as it gets. One brother is is forced into the exile while the other vows to kill him next time they meet. Isaac and Rebecca are caught in the middle, though in their own ways they must own some of the responsibility for near catastrophe that visits them this week. Enter the tent and see this drama play out up close!

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