Torah 101-Chayei Sarah


One generation ends and another begins, but not before Abraham undertakes through his servant the most personal mission of them all–finding a wife for his beloved son Isaac. And while Isaac is still grieving over his mother Sarah’s death, a distant cousin named Rebecca is coming to soothe his broken heart, but not before we get a preview of one of the most determine adversaries any patriarch ever faced: Laban. So what is Abraham’s victory this week will soon become in the future Jacob’s trouble!

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Chayei Sarah (Audio Portion)


One generation ends and another begins, but not before Abraham undertakes through his servant the most personal mission of them all–finding a wife for his beloved son Isaac. And while Isaac is still grieving over his mother Sarah’s death, a distant cousin named Rebecca is coming to soothe his broken heart, but not before we get a preview of one of the most determine adversaries any patriarch ever faced: Laban. So what is Abraham’s victory this week will soon become in the future Jacob’s trouble!

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Chayei Sarah


One generation ends and another begins, but not before Abraham undertakes through his servant the most personal mission of them all–finding a wife for his beloved son Isaac. And while Isaac is still grieving over his mother Sarah’s death, a distant cousin named Rebecca is coming to soothe his broken heart, but not before we get a preview of one of the most determine adversaries any patriarch ever faced: Laban. So what is Abraham’s victory this week will soon become in the future Jacob’s trouble!

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Torah 101-Vayera


Welcome to the parsha of extremes! From the most personally traumatic test possible–Abraham being ordered by Father Yah to sacrifice his son Isaac–to creating a near international incident with a Philistine king due to a lack of faith on his part–Abraham does it all this week. He also tries to negotiate Sodom’s reprieve but both it and other cities of the plain are doomed, and Abraham also deals with keeping a familial civil war from breaking out as well. Talk about multitasking, this parsha has Abraham taxed to his limits, if not a bit beyond them, but, in the end, he prevails and inherits the greatest blessing any human has gotten from Father Yah to date. So many adventures and so little time, but explore and enjoy his rise. You won’t be disappointed.

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Vayera (Audio Portion)


Welcome to the parsha of extremes! From the most personally traumatic test possible–Abraham being ordered by Father Yah to sacrifice his son Isaac–to creating a near international incident with a Philistine king due to a lack of faith on his part–Abraham does it all this week. He also tries to negotiate Sodom’s reprieve but both it and other cities of the plain are doomed, and Abraham also deals with keeping a familial civil war from breaking out as well. Talk about multitasking, this parsha has Abraham taxed to his limits, if not a bit beyond them, but, in the end, he prevails and inherits the greatest blessing any human has gotten from Father Yah to date. So many adventures and so little time, but explore and enjoy his rise. You won’t be disappointed.

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Welcome to the parsha of extremes! From the most personally traumatic test possible–Abraham being ordered by Father Yah to sacrifice his son Isaac–to creating a near international incident with a Philistine king due to a lack of faith on his part–Abraham does it all this week. He also tries to negotiate Sodom’s reprieve but both it and other cities of the plain are doomed, and Abraham also deals with keeping a familial civil war from breaking out as well. Talk about multitasking, this parsha has Abraham taxed to his limits, if not a bit beyond them, but, in the end, he prevails and inherits the greatest blessing any human has gotten from Father Yah to date. So many adventures and so little time, but explore and enjoy his rise. You won’t be disappointed.

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Torah 101-Lech Lecha


Abraham: First Action Hero! This is the parsha where the first patriarch takes center stage. Need a man to humble a Pharaoh into righteousness? Call Abraham! How about a skilled negotiator to keep families from going to war? Call Abraham! Or maybe you need a skilled prophet to predict thousands of year into the future by counting the stars? Yes, call Abraham for that too! All that, and there is still more depth and action to be had. Lech Lecha begins with a surprise twist: The first video is a preview that also answers the ultimate question as I best understand it: What happens after we die according to Scripture? The Torah portion then begin in earnest in Part 2! Enjoy!

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Lech Lecha (Audio Portion)


In a world where phrases like “disasters of Biblical proportions” have become cliche’, the real deal doesn’t get any bigger than this global flood. But this “titanic” parsha is far more than a disaster tale. It actually contains deep insights, astronomical calendar codes more advanced than anything used today and some amazing prophecies and linkages to events thousands of years in its future. Also get a special update on 4 new free teachings just posted!

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Lech Lecha


Abraham: First Action Hero! This is the parsha where the first patriarch takes center stage. Need a man to humble a Pharaoh into righteousness? Call Abraham! How about a skilled negotiator to keep families from going to war? Call Abraham! Or maybe you need a skilled prophet to predict thousands of year into the future by counting the stars? Yes, call Abraham for that too! All that, and there is still more depth and action to be had. Lech Lecha begins with a surprise twist: The first video is a preview that also answers the ultimate question as I best understand it: What happens after we die according to Scripture? The Torah portion then begin in earnest in Part 2! Enjoy!

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Torah 101-Noach


In a world where phrases like “disasters of Biblical proportions” have become cliche’, the real deal doesn’t get any bigger than this global flood. But this “titanic” parsha is far more than a disaster tale. It actually contains deep insights, astronomical calendar codes more advanced than anything used today and some amazing prophecies and linkages to events thousands of years in its future. Also get a special update on 4 new free teachings just posted!

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Noach (Audio Portion)


In a world where phrases like “disasters of Biblical proportions” have become cliche’, the real deal doesn’t get any bigger than this global flood. But this “titanic” parsha is far more than a disaster tale. It actually contains deep insights, astronomical calendar codes more advanced than anything used today and some amazing prophecies and linkages to events thousands of years in its future. Also get a special update on 4 new free teachings just posted!

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In a world where phrases like “disasters of Biblical proportions” have become cliche’, the real deal doesn’t get any bigger than this global flood. But this “titanic” parsha is far more than a disaster tale. It actually contains deep insights, astronomical calendar codes more advanced than anything used today and some amazing prophecies and linkages to events thousands of years in its future. Also get a special update on 4 new free teachings just posted!

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