In one of the very last acts of Moshe’s life, Joshua is anointed to lead Israel and is warned of imminent danger. As Moshe then prepares to die, Father Yah makes it plain that He already knows about the future of His treasured people, and it isn’t pretty. And to cap it all off, we have special Haftorah readings for Shabbat Shuvah–the Sabbath of Returning which is between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur–as well as one of the most personal and intimate Torah Thoughts for the Week ever given on this program. It does not happen often that Andrew combines the usual scholarship with a personal revelation which one is free to either embrace or discard at will–but that is exactly what he has done here. Enjoy, Chag Sameyach and Shabbat Shalom!
In one of the very last acts of Moshe’s life, Joshua is anointed to lead Israel and is warned of imminent danger. As Moshe then prepares to die, Father Yah makes it plain that He already knows about the future of His treasured people, and it isn’t pretty. And to cap it all off, we have special Haftorah readings for Shabbat Shuvah–the Sabbath of Returning which is between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur–as well as one of the most personal and intimate Torah Thoughts for the Week ever given on this program. It does not happen often that Andrew combines the usual scholarship with a personal revelation which one is free to either embrace or discard at will–but that is exactly what he has done here. Enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!
Chag Sameyach and L’shana Tova (Happy Feast and Happy New Year). Today we begin the most exciting and amazing part of the entire year: The entrance into the Days of Awe and the gearing up for Sukkot! Today’s Yom Teruah Special kicks the entire celebration off, starting with exploring the surprising claim that the Sanhedrin has nominated the first High Priest to serve in 1,946 years! Is it true? Can they do it? And if they can, will it be accepted in Israel? These and many more questions will be answered and that’s just the first Bonus Video! After that we go deep into the mystery of Yom Teruah and how it relates to the calendar, prophecy and (possibly) the return of Y’shua the Messiah! Many more surprises await, and because it is a Feast teaching, this one’s FREE for all. Enjoy!
2016 Yom Teruah Special Final | 199.3 MB |
Introduction Video: Did the Sanhedrin Really Name the next High Priest?
Pleaase Note: To go straight to the start of the actual Yom Teruah Special, please see the following video below. This video is only about whether a new High Priest has in fact been appointed by the Sanhedrin, which was reported earlier this week to be the case. Find out the truth!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
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For the PDF Notes: Please look at the attached picture below (BY CLICKING ON THE PHOTO TO ENLARGE IT) and then when in the Torah Portion cursor over to the right-hand corner of the Notes (a PDF file) or MP3 (an audio file), left click and select either PREVIEW or DOWNLOAD. Also please note that this is NOT the same field as popping out the notes from where the image of the page is. This is a separate field where you see the files for the PDF notes and the MP3 audio listed one on top of the other.
For the MP3 Audio File in the AUDIO PODCAST SECTION: You can download the audio by left clicking on the DOWN ARROW ICON. It looks like an arrow dividing two hills. When you click it you will see the MP3 file download on your computer, usually in the lower left-hand corner.
For the MP3 Audio File in the TORAH PORTION SECTION: Cursor over to the right-hand corner and a CHECKMARK icon will appear. It’s the same icon you click to either PREVIEW or DOWNLOAD the Notes. Click the MP3 file and it should download. Enjoy, Chag Sameyach and Shabbat Shalom! Andrew
Time to literally stand up and be counted. Moshe’s discourse turns especially passionate this week and even more desperate for Israel to get literally with the program or die trying. Don’t let the small size of this parsha fool you as it is packed to the brim with risk and suspense–the last “normal” installment before our Fall Feasts hit!
Time to literally stand up and be counted. Moshe’s discourse turns especially passionate this week and even more desperate for Israel to get literally with the program or die trying. Don’t let the small size of this parsha fool you as it is packed to the brim with risk and suspense–the last “normal” installment before our Fall Feasts hit!
Finalizing the Covenant…now the full weight of Israel’s responsibilities to Father Yah–the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience–is laid out in graphic detail. Promises are made and oaths are given in the name of the Torah, and these are literally a matter of life and death.
Finalizing the Covenant…now the full weight of Israel’s responsibilities to Father Yah–the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience–is laid out in graphic detail. Promises are made and oaths are given in the name of the Torah, and these are literally a matter of life and death.
Finalizing the Covenant…now the full weight of Israel’s responsibilities to Father Yah–the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience–is laid out in graphic detail. Promises are made and oaths are given in the name of the Torah, and these are literally a matter of life and death.