Moshe makes his case! In this parsha we see Moshe deliver the most critical aspects of his message–the foundational Ten Commandments are given once more and one of the oldest prayers in the world, the Shema, is said for the first time. And yet, as great as these events are, Moshe must also deal with crushing disappointment as Abba YHWH confirms–in no uncertain terms–that Moshe will in fact die today and never enter the Promised Land! With impending doom on the one hand and the seeds for final rebellion and disaster on the other, Moshe’s hopes turn to the one man who might secure Israel’s future: Joshua. And so a nation of 2 million stand on the brink…waiting.
Moshe makes his case! In this parsha we see Moshe deliver the most critical aspects of his message–the foundational Ten Commandments are given once more and one of the oldest prayers in the world, the Shema, is said for the first time. And yet, as great as these events are, Moshe must also deal with crushing disappointment as Abba YHWH confirms–in no uncertain terms–that Moshe will in fact die today and never enter the Promised Land! With impending doom on the one hand and the seeds for final rebellion and disaster on the other, Moshe’s hopes turn to the one man who might secure Israel’s future: Joshua. And so a nation of 2 million stand on the brink…waiting.
Ever wanted to know what Moshe did on the last day of his life? The answer is he gave three farewell speeches before climbing up to Mount Nebo to die, and except for a 3 chapter “recap” at the start and Joshua writing about his funeral at the end, everything in between is all Moshe on the last day of his life! This is the most urgent plea the man ever gave because if Israel literally does not get the message here, they will never get another chance to hear it from the man himself. Deuteronomy is permeating with the sense of high intensity urgency, and it all starts here, in the Devarim Torah parsha, where he pours out his soul to a new generation on the fateful last day, 1 Shevat/January 6, 1406 BCE. Don’t miss a moment!
The final two portions of Numbers–the Matot and Masei Double Portion–finally brings an end to a generation of wandering and an age of darkness and doubt. Now at long last a new generation of Israel has arise who, along with Joshua and Caleb, will enter the Land even as Moshe prepares to die. After the recap of all of their 42 stops is given, the remaining attention in the book of Numbers is on the final disposition of the case of the daughter of Zelophehad and the elevation of Joshua.
There is one man who saves more Israelites in a day than almost all other heroes combined, and no, it isn’t Moshe, but his grand-nephew Phinehas. With one bold act, Phinehas stops a deadly plague that surely would have devastated the rest of Israel. We also look at why the priesthood initially passed this young man by, only to have it established on him and his offspring. And Phinehas also appears to make a show of things at the end of the book of Judges about 300 years later…or does he? This is an action packed parsha not to be missed with bonus features! Enjoy!