
We welcome Partners who would like to support the work of this ministry. Our “Why Partner with us” page explains what we hope and pray for with your support. Please also see the ‘About Us’ page. The greatest benefit is not what we can offer you but what you can offer others.

Yeshua said to him, ‘I say truly to you, that there is no man who has left houses or parents or brothers or wife or children because of the Kingdom of Elohim, and will not receive many times more in this time and in the world to come, that is eternal life‘”. (Luke 18:29-30 AENT)

Give and it will be given to you in good measure and pressed down and abundant it will pour into your robe in that measure. For the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38 AENT)

Like to have more interaction?

Partners will be invited periodically to participate in webinars (once that is set up) where there will be an exchange of information and a vibrant Q&A with Andrew hosting the event.

You will also receive periodic newsletters and articles that may not be available to everyone.