The Apostolic Writings are here!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters in the Faith,
I’m thrilled to announce that my latest work, The Apostolic Writings and The Apostolic Writings Readers Version, has officially launched on Amazon as of August 2024!
This book is the culmination of years of dedicated study, prayer, and a deep desire to bring the true meaning of the words spoken by our Messiah and his Apostles directly to you, in the language they originally spoke—Aramaic.

In The Apostolic Writings, you’ll find:

  • Accurate Translations: Faithfully rendered from the original Aramaic, preserving the nuances and intent of the sacred text.
  • Deep Insights: Commentary and notes to help you understand the context and application of these scriptures in your daily walk with Yahweh.
  • A New Perspective: Experience the power and beauty of the Apostolic teachings in a way that connects deeply with your spirit.

This translation isn’t just another Bible—it’s a tool to enrich your faith journey, providing clarity and deeper understanding of Yahweh’s Word.

There are two versions for now and the description of each book on Amazon will show the benefits best suited for your needs.

Your support is crucial in spreading this message. I invite you to purchase The Apostolic Writings on Amazon today. Whether you’re a longtime follower of One Faith One People Ministries or new to our community, this book is for you.

TAW Scholars Large Print –

TAW Readers Large Print –

Thank you for your continued support and faith. Together, let’s dive deeper into the teachings that shape our lives and bring us closer to Yahweh.

In His service,

Andrew Gabriel Roth
Founder, One Faith One People Ministries

2024 Yom Teruah Special!

Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! There is also a special archaeological update towards the end. Enjoy!

Blow the shofar 100 times for Yom Teruah! Here’s how…


Click this Link to Download the Notes!

The 2025 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Shalom all! 2025 is a study in contrasts and a welcome relief after the Disruption Year that is 2024. Now the ETC and Rabbinic Calendar are back in synchronization as far as the Moedim are concerned, but because ETC Sukkot is a month earlier than the Rabbinic one, the timing of recycling back to Genesis 1 is still negatively impacted. We also have a fascinating clustering of consecutive 30 and 29 day months by simply following what the moon does, which the Rabbinic does not allow to happen. We even have another “claw-back contingency” where the sun restrains the moon from having a 31-day month, which also happened in 2023 though it is a rare phenomenon overall. Still, it remains a beautiful thing to see the sun, moon, stars and the cycles of the Earth all proclaiming the glory of Father YAH! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

2024 Shavuot Special!

Welcome to the 2023 Shavuot Special! Explore the deep connection of this very special Great Feasts, with the giving of the Ten Commandments and the stunning events in Acts 2. Also find out which famous miracle of Yeshua has a special connection to Shavuot that most folks don’t even know about. Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

Where is the Ark of the Covenant-2024 Updated Edition

Explore the mystery of the most famous missing biblical artifact and weapon. For the first time, Scripture and wider history are brought together to definitively track the Ark of the Covenant. See the prophecy that forced the Ark out of Jerusalem and Judah and learn how Jeremiah tells us when and why it left as well as the next two places it went on its long journey. And finally see the real notes from the archaeological excavation in the place where it rests today. Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

2024 Pesach Special!

From deep clues from Noah’s Flood to the death and resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah, explore the surprising history of Pesach from beginning to end!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

2024 Purim Special

From the mysterious ordered feast in Exodus that never happens, to the spectacular redemptive drama of Scripture to the “Feast of the Jews” in Yochanan 5, Purim has a journey through Scripture and history like no other. It is even part of one of the most iconic battles in the ancient world between t he famous 300 Spartans and the Persian Empire. Explore the history and deep connections and see how Purim is literally a feast of global spiritual proportions.

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

Yeshua’s Death and the Double Witness Pattern

Shalom everyone! I have been waiting three years to post this very special series YESHUA’S DEATH AND THE DOUBLE WITNESS PATTERN and now that wait is over as I took time to verify everything I spoke on in 2019 on this topic. What is the precise year Yeshua died and how can we know the true interval between crucifixion and resurrection? The answers herein are astonishing. From a once in a thousand year rare astronomical event that happened the month Yeshua died to the latest in Hebrew and Aramaic research and a deep dive into Tanakh prophecy, this answer is far more majestic and massive than it might otherwise appear. I literally had to re-do 20 years of previous research and start over–again–to find a complete answer that takes every Scripture reference on this subject into account. Prepare for some shocks along the way as we see where this journey takes us all! Also, what I called “RCSB” at the time of filming is now known as the Apostolic Writings, which I hope will be coming out in a few months and will announce when I know more. Enjoy!

Channel 24–Andrew Gabriel Roth on “The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity”

Here is another video in the series I did for Channel 24. On this installment, my first one back in December 2017, I talk about “The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity” which shows that Torah is the way to a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with Yeshua the Messiah. Enjoy!

The 2024 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

While 2024 is a “disruption year” with the rabbis being a month late, we have all the tools you need to navigate the confusion and maybe celebrate twice the feasts for twice the fun! Get the full details of what to expect and make the best choice possible for you and your families. Enjoy! Also, as long as you are here, you might want to also check out my latest free teaching “The Five Prophets” on mp3 and including my teaching notes. It’s at the bottom half of the home page.

Click this Link to Download the 2024 Eternal Torah Calendar!

Message in the Math!

From the upcoming Chukkat parsha, here is a special teaching about the deep links between the Eternal Torah Calendar, Moshe and Yeshua the Messiah! The math patters derive from a 1447 BCE Exodus, that being 480 years before Solomon’s 4th year, when he began building the Temple on the 2nd day of the 2nd month of Ziv/Iyar (1 Kings 6:1, 2 Chronicles 3:1-2). Solomon’s 4th year is derived as 967 BCE by three different dating methods: 1) Counting backwards from Hezekiah’s 14th year which is marked by a solar eclipse that happened February 25th Gregorian in 702 BCE (2 Kings 20:9-11); 2) According to Pharaoh Shishak’s tomb walls his invasion of Judah was in his 20th year or 926 BCE (Dr. Ian Shaw, Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, p. 481) so we count 41 years back from that time of Rehoboam’s 5th year, which brings us also back to 967 BCE; and 3) The excellent chronological research of Edwin Thiele and Leslie McPhall (The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings), which accounts to co-regencies and the different time keeping methods in Kings and Chronicles. The main topics are:

*Working 9 to 5: The first pattern suggests that when arranging the one biblical age of 4,000 years (3901 BCE to 100 CE), that is from the creation of Adam to the death of the Apostle Yochanan on Patmos, it is helpful to divide that age by 10 into 400 year long eras. From there each 400 year long era can be divided into 10 40 year generations.

*Among those 400 year long eras, the 5th (2301-1901 BCE) and the 9th (701-301 BCE) represent times of hardship and severe judgment, regarding Noah’s Flood (2245-2244 BCE) and the destruction of Solomon’s Temple (586 BCE) respectively. This suggests that neither 9 nor 5 by themselves are problematic but we need to beware when the two numbers come together for a particular event.

*Judgment Comes in Sixes: Whenever Father YHWH has decided that His grace has run out, the next Shemittah group will not reach its seventh year but will instead face judgment in Year 6, so the very next spring the land can get her sabbaths back. We track three such occasions of Year 6 judgments: The Assyrian invasion and captivity of the Northern Tribes (722 BCE), the Great Purge of King Josiah against paganism in Judah (622 BCE) and the destruction of Solomon’s Temple (586 BCE) were all sixth years according to the Eternal Torah Calendar[1].

*Sometimes Time is Zeroed Out: This concept has two applications. First, when it comes to math calculations, the last day of any cycle (generation, era or age) always resets to zero on the last day of that cycle at sunset. The math does not continue, so the error never builds up to throw off the timing. The second application is that when you have lost time because of wickedness, when that time is put back through punishment, the math cancels out. So when seventy land sabbaths were missed over a 500 year period, once the seventy years of Babylonian captivity were over, time resumes as if there was no violation.

*Nativity Timing and the Destruction of the Second Temple: Yeshua is born a year after the completion of the 28th Jubilee (7 x 4, or perfection times foundation) or Year 1 at the start of #29. The 29th Jubilee runs from 6 BCE to 45 CE spring to spring, so in 45 CE 29 is completed. From that time to the destruction of the Second Temple on day 9 of month 5 which is 29 days long (Av) gives us a remainder 5.31 months. If we treat the passage of all the Jubilees then from the entrance to Canaan to 45 CE as a whole number (29) and add 50% completion of 25 years (spring of 45-spring of 70 CE) plus the remainder of 4 months and 9 days of the 29 day month of Av in 70 CE (126 days of 365), .34, the total comes out to 29.53, which is the precise average length of a lunar month (29 days, 12 hours 44 minutes and half a second). So thinking about how Father Yah’s time is different for Him than for us such as in Psalm 90, the entire period from 1406 BCE to 70 CE is experienced as a single lunar month.

[1] Also, not mentioned on the video, there was a shemittah (or would have been if the Temple had not been destroyed) in 137 CE, making 136 CE a a year 6. This corresponds to the final crushing defeat of the Bar Kochba Revolt which ended in January of 136, and the aftermath dragged on well past that spring, the start of Year 6.

2023 Purim Special!

From a grudge that dates back to Jacob and Esau, to a feast Yahweh commands the Israelites do while still in Egypt that did not happen, to waiting nearly a thousand years for that placeholder of a feast to be fulfilled, few feasts have a greater reach both backwards and forwards than Purim. There is even a deep connection between Purim and one of the most famous battles that ever happened in antiquity, as well as a deep linkage to Yochanan 5. Enjoy! Keep Reeding