Apostolic Writings Promotional Video!

Go inside the exclusive and special features of Andrew Gabriel Roth’s new Aramaic to English translation, the Apostolic Writings! Take a deep dive into what makes this translation so critical in these uncertain times. In this exciting 9 minute world premiere video, we go behind the scenes and break down the force and clarity that only the Aramaic traditions can provide, with cutting edge digital technology behind the entire production! Enjoy!

Star of Bethlehem Extended Edition Parts 1 and 2

It’s finally here! The full two part investigation into the historical identity of the Star of Bethlehem and how it connects Yeshua to all the Great Feasts through math, Scripture and astronomy. Explore the secrets of the original priestly calendar, who the Magi were, and how they interpreted what they saw. Father Yah wrote His redemptive message in the heavens so all nations would know His Son Yeshua the Messiah was coming. More than that, He also lit up the heavens with other rare and spectacular events that tracked the Holy Family’s sojourn into Egypt and back to Galilee.

2024 Hanukkah Special!

From the pages of Genesis to Revelation, no feast has more clues about its prophetic approach than Hanukkah. This so-called “optional” feast that Jews keep though it is not in Tanakh and most Christians do not keep though it is in Yochanan 10, is one important enough to Yeshua that he went 90 miles in the rain and mud to get to Jerusalem, knowing he would get in and argument and yet proclaimed to the Pharisees, “I and my Father are one.” Join the journey to see Hanukkah also foreshadowed centuries in advance by Nehemiah and others. Keep Reeding

Where Was the Original Temple?

This is a teaching literally a decade in the making! Since 2012 I have been researching the intricate and fascinating details pointing to the Temples of Solomon and Zerubbabel–along with the expansion begun by Herod the Great– were located within the City of David. The result is a massive 5 video and nearly 4-hour long teaching. Packed with dozens of graphics and nearly a hundred scholarly resources, this is the definitive guide to the restored (and hidden) history of the Temples of Elohim, both past and future, that graced and will grace Jerusalem in the future. The teaching also includes a 49-page detailed essay to guide you through all the ins and outs of this critical topic. This is an exclusive for One Faith One People Ministries! Explore the mystery and judge the evidence for yourself!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

Command Performance: Lucas Ussatis in Concert

Ladies and Gentlemen I present for your entertainment and consideration a wonderful concert done by a young man Jaye and I love and admire. Lucas Ussatis is the son of two of our oldest ministry friends who run Tabernacle of David Messianic synagogue in Burnsville, Minnesota. Lucas likes to do charity work for senior citizens, and he is participating in a festival day for them in this video where he does the entire score of Fiddler on the Roof, literally playing on what looks a roof (it’s a balcony, but go with it!) Enjoy this…I know I did.

New Tabernacle of David Teachings!

Shalom everyone! Here are my latest teachings for Tabernacle of David Messianic Synagogue in Burnsville, Minnesota. Delivered on September28th, 2024, these teachings are brand-new. The first concerns unsung biblical manuscript heroes, brave men and women who played a critical role, literally risking life and limb, in bringing us the critical texts translators need to put the Word into English and other modern languages. These intrepid people crossed deserts, lost family members and stood up against some of the most prevalent prejudices of their times to break new ground for our sakes. So meet the bravest biblical heroes you probably have never heard of!

The second teaching concerns how the Apostolic Writings of the Renewed Covenant were first defined in First Covenant and developed from oral preaching styles under the supervision of Yeshua to become the texts that have survived into the present day. Explore the true story that Scripture itself reveals about its own origins for the story of Yeshua and his Apostles! Notes are included below for both teachings. Enjoy!

2024 Sukkot Special!

Welcome to the Feast that is so enormous it is significantly foreshadowed in Genesis, given separate but inter-related titles in Exodus, stamps its force of personality throughout the Hebrew Bible and takes up more than 2 large chapters in the Gospel of Yochanan with even more allusions in Revelation. This is the most majestic feast of them all which may, in my opinion at least, hold the greatest of clues regarding when Yeshua the Messiah is coming back. Don’t miss this one! Keep Reeding

Yom Kippur Special!

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The Apostolic Writings are here!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters in the Faith,
I’m thrilled to announce that my latest work, The Apostolic Writings and The Apostolic Writings Readers Version, has officially launched on Amazon as of August 2024!
This book is the culmination of years of dedicated study, prayer, and a deep desire to bring the true meaning of the words spoken by our Messiah and his Apostles directly to you, in the language they originally spoke—Aramaic.

In The Apostolic Writings, you’ll find:

  • Accurate Translations: Faithfully rendered from the original Aramaic, preserving the nuances and intent of the sacred text.
  • Deep Insights: Commentary and notes to help you understand the context and application of these scriptures in your daily walk with Yahweh.
  • A New Perspective: Experience the power and beauty of the Apostolic teachings in a way that connects deeply with your spirit.

This translation isn’t just another Bible—it’s a tool to enrich your faith journey, providing clarity and deeper understanding of Yahweh’s Word.

There are two versions for now and the description of each book on Amazon will show the benefits best suited for your needs.

Your support is crucial in spreading this message. I invite you to purchase The Apostolic Writings on Amazon today. Whether you’re a longtime follower of One Faith One People Ministries or new to our community, this book is for you.

TAW Scholars Large Print – https://bit.ly/4gbuJWm

TAW Readers Large Print – https://bit.ly/3ANsoR1

Thank you for your continued support and faith. Together, let’s dive deeper into the teachings that shape our lives and bring us closer to Yahweh.

In His service,

Andrew Gabriel Roth
Founder, One Faith One People Ministries

2024 Yom Teruah Special!

Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! There is also a special archaeological update towards the end. Enjoy!

Blow the shofar 100 times for Yom Teruah! Here’s how…


Click this Link to Download the Notes!

The 2025 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Shalom all! 2025 is a study in contrasts and a welcome relief after the Disruption Year that is 2024. Now the ETC and Rabbinic Calendar are back in synchronization as far as the Moedim are concerned, but because ETC Sukkot is a month earlier than the Rabbinic one, the timing of recycling back to Genesis 1 is still negatively impacted. We also have a fascinating clustering of consecutive 30 and 29 day months by simply following what the moon does, which the Rabbinic does not allow to happen. We even have another “claw-back contingency” where the sun restrains the moon from having a 31-day month, which also happened in 2023 though it is a rare phenomenon overall. Still, it remains a beautiful thing to see the sun, moon, stars and the cycles of the Earth all proclaiming the glory of Father YAH! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

Where is the Ark of the Covenant-2024 Updated Edition

Explore the mystery of the most famous missing biblical artifact and weapon. For the first time, Scripture and wider history are brought together to definitively track the Ark of the Covenant. See the prophecy that forced the Ark out of Jerusalem and Judah and learn how Jeremiah tells us when and why it left as well as the next two places it went on its long journey. And finally see the real notes from the archaeological excavation in the place where it rests today. Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!