2016 Hanukkah Special!


Chag Sameyach! Welcome to the Feast that many think they know but which is filled with tons of surprises. Explore the “Hidden Hanukkah”–or how this occasion has deep roots in the stories of Abraham, Moses, Ezra and so many others. And when we look at who has the longest tradition of gift giving, Hanukkah or that other minor feast that hits on that other 25th day, well let’s just say that answer will surprise many. How did Y’shua keep this day and why do Christians who know he did avoid doing it? These questions and connections are thoroughly explored in more than 40 pages of notes along with 5 massive videos, including a special inside look at the Priestly Calendar and its connection to this occasion as well. Put simply, as Feast Specials go, it doesn’t get any bigger or more spectacular than this one. Enjoy!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

And if the screenshots about the Historical Priestly Calendar have you intrigued about the entire dataset, here are more than 8,000 years of history and future time showing the full intricacies of this amazing part of the Torah Calendar!  Find it at “Wheel Final Constellation Clock.pdf”.  Check it out and enjoy!

Bonus Teaching–In Search of the Ark of the Covenant!

Join me on my renewed quest to sift through the historical and archaeological record–along with the Scripture at the head of course–as we take a fresh take on this greatest of Biblical mysteries. Does the Ark of the Covenant exist and if it exists, where might it be today? Was Ron Wyatt right and it’s under Jerusalem? Or maybe Graham Hancock is correct that it is stored in an Ethiopian church, taken by the son of Solomon and Sheba? Or perhaps the Book of Maccabees is right and Jeremiah hid it? Or what if, in a very odd twist almost all these theories have some kernel of truth in a much bigger mystery story? I’ll show you the connections and try to shed light on some of the most obscure sounding passages in the Scripture that make no sense without a tie in to the Ark of the Covenant. This isn’t Hollywood…it’s better because it’s real.

The Importance of Aramaic as a Biblical Language

A live discussion from Sterling, IL. No slides or powerpoints…just me…explaining how Aramaic became an important biblical language. Enjoy!


The Last NT Autograph (Live Version)

Here is the video link for The Last NT Autograph–the live version as delivered by me in Sterling, IL. Enjoy!


The 24 Appearances of Y’shua in Tanakh

Here is the link for the 24 Appearances of Y’shua in Tanak video, recorded live in Sterling, IL. Enjoy!


2016 Sukkot Special Part 2 (Audio Portion)


The most wonderful time of year continues! In the second part of the most massive Sukkot Special ever, we complete the last two parts of the detailed study proving Y’shua was born just before the Feast began and delve into the beauty and majesty of the remaining Set-apart occasions of Shemnini Etzeret, Simchat Torah and the very last parsha of Deuteronomy, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. Plus we take a special look at how our leading Jewish historians, Josephus and Philo, talk about their insights for this amazing Feast and what it means for us today.

One program note: I may have mentioned that 1 Tishri in 26 CE began on August 31st but actually that was when I used the Rabbinic calendar for Gospel dates. The correct date, on the Wheel of Stars calendar, is 1 Tishri on Sunday, September 27th.

2016 Sukkot Special Part 2 (Videos and Notes)


The most wonderful time of year continues! In the second part of the most massive Sukkot Special ever, we complete the last two parts of the detailed study proving Y’shua was born just before the Feast began and delve into the beauty and majesty of the remaining Set-apart occasions of Shemnini Etzeret, Simchat Torah and the very last parsha of Deuteronomy, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. Plus we take a special look at how our leading Jewish historians, Josephus and Philo, talk about their insights for this amazing Feast and what it means for us today.

One program note: I may have mentioned that 1 Tishri in 26 CE began on August 31st but actually that was when I used the Rabbinic calendar for Gospel dates. The correct date, on the Wheel of Stars calendar, is 1 Tishri on Sunday, September 27th.

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

2016 Sukkot Special Part 1 (Audio Portion)


As the song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” But I am not thinking about winter solstice but right now, as our most beloved Feast of all–Sukkot–approaches. While Pesach is the most important in terms of history, Sukkot is just one amazing kosher blowout of a party with Father Yah setting the heavens up for us with a full moon decoration. But Sukkot is much more than that. Y’shua Ha-Mashiyach was born just before the Feast started, and so this series of videos, in addition to going deep into the significance and amazing history of the Feast as it relates to days 1 and 2, Shabbat Chol Ha-Moed and Hoshanna Rabbah, we will also begin parts 1 and 2 of a massive 4 part study on proving the exact date of Y’shua’s birth! We will wrap that study up next week with Part 2–don’t miss it!

2016 Yom Kippur Special! (Audio Version)


Welcome to the 2016 Yom Kippur Special here on Scroll to Scroll! This year’s edition promises to have lots of surprising Scriptural and historical considerations. Did you know there is a strong link between Yom Kippur and Noah’s Flood? Or how about how one demon exorcism actually helps us prove Y’shua fasted on that special day? Paul also won’t let a little thing like bad weather and shipwrecks keep him from his fast either! The linkages to Messiah and the NT may, in fact, be much deeper than some have imagined. Come on in, see the proof for yourself and you be the judge even as Father Yah judges all of us!

2016 Yom Kippur Special! (Videos and Notes)


Welcome to the 2016 Yom Kippur Special here on Scroll to Scroll! This year’s edition promises to have lots of surprising Scriptural and historical considerations. Did you know there is a strong link between Yom Kippur and Noah’s Flood? Or how about how one demon exorcism actually helps us prove Y’shua fasted on that special day? Paul also won’t let a little thing like bad weather and shipwrecks keep him from his fast either! The linkages to Messiah and the NT may, in fact, be much deeper than some have imagined. Come on in, see the proof for yourself and you be the judge even as Father Yah judges all of us!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:


2016 Calendar

2016 Yom Teruah Special (Audio Portion)!


Chag Sameyach and L’shana Tova (Happy Feast and Happy New Year). Today we begin the most exciting and amazing part of the entire year: The entrance into the Days of Awe and the gearing up for Sukkot! Today’s Yom Teruah Special kicks the entire celebration off, starting with exploring the surprising claim that the Sanhedrin has nominated the first High Priest to serve in 1,946 years! Is it true? Can they do it? And if they can, will it be accepted in Israel? These and many more questions will be answered and that’s just the first Bonus Video! After that we go deep into the mystery of Yom Teruah and how it relates to the calendar, prophecy and (possibly) the return of Y’shua the Messiah! Many more surprises await, and because it is a Feast teaching, this one’s FREE for all. Enjoy!

2016 Yom Teruah Special Final 199.3 MB