Channel 24 “Roundtable” TV Program with Andrew Gabriel Roth

Some time ago I did a series of programs for a local Christian TV station called Channel 24. I was the guest on a series called “Tap into the Source”. In this first hour-long program that I am showing here, I am part of a three person round-table discussion on the Nazarene-Hebrew Roots movement and history and how we differ from the traditional church. It’s a pretty deep dialogue but also very friendly. I am joined by friends Noe Gonzales and Melinda Abreo who have their own ministries. I hope you enjoy this thorough discussion. Also here’s a tip: The program’s theme music plays for just under a full minute before we start talking so you might want to forward that.

The 24 Appearances of Y’shua in Tanakh

Here is the link for the 24 Appearances of Y’shua in Tanak video, recorded live in Sterling, IL. Enjoy!

The Real Temple Mount

In this short video, Andrew explains that the Temple Mount may not be where we have often thought it to be.