Torah Portion Podcasts


Here you’ll find a list of our Torah Portion audio recordings. We hope you enjoy.

  • Vayakhel (Audio Portion)

    “Vayakhel” means “and he assembled.” The verb is derived from KAHAL, Hebrew for “assembly, congregation.” After a brief sermon on …

  • Ki Tissa (Audio Portion)

    “Ki-Tissa” means “when you take,” referring to what Israel is to do when it takes a census of all the …

  • Tetzaveh (Audio Portion)

    “Tetzaveh” means “you will charge/command,” which opens with requirements for worship that are so important that failure to comply is …

  • Terumah (Audio Portion)

    Terumah means “the contributions” concerns a list of the offerings Israel gives to help build the Tabernacle in the wilderness …

  • Mishpatim (Audio Portion)

    “The Judgments” concerns a list of rules and regulations that Abba YHWH is giving to Israel. They involve practical examples …

  • Yitro (Audio Portion)

    It is very significant that this parsha is named “Jethro” and not “The Ten Words” or Commandments that it contains. …

  • Be’shalach (Audio Portion)

    “Be’shalach” means “let go,” and the portion begins with Pharaoh regretting his decision to free the Hebrews, so he musters …

  • Bo (Audio Portion)

    “Bo” means “go,” and that’s exactly what the Israelites do! After the last three plagues of locusts, darkness and killing …

  • Va’era (Audio Portion)

    Va’Era means “and I appeared,” as in Abba YHWH explaining that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and this …

  • Shemot (Audio Portion)

    Shemot means “the names,” and it is almost impossible to do justice in a few lines to such a majestic …