Torah 101-Metzora

It’s just a skin disease; a medical condition like any other. Or is it? Even the sages cannot decide this seemingly simple question. Is leprosy divine judgment for a moral failure or just another kind of defilement that happens in the course of normal living? Can it be equated to any known ski disease today? And if it has nothing to do with today’s skin diseases, why do the medical protocols in this part of Leviticus still being used today with great medical effectiveness? Also: When Y’shua heals the woman with the 12 year flow of blood, did the power come only from Y’shua or from his Father and what does that answer reveal about the relationship between the Father and the Son? One thing is for certain: These mysteries certainly don’t just run skin deep!

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WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Apostolic Writings Aramaic to English translation and Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home”