
Pinchas refers to the man whose righteous example of purging evil from Israel’s ranks moved Abba YHWH to stop a plague that would have otherwise destroyed all Israel. More than that, the portion starts with Pinchas getting a particularly high honor from Abba YHWH, the covenant of peace that rests on him alone and ensures his progeny the high priesthood. But with the population of Israel decimated by the plague, a new census had to be done in chapter 26. When that counting was concluded, Moshe is then given a very interesting issue to deliberate on: Should women be allowed to inherit their father’s estate under certain special circumstances? Abba YHWH’s answer back to Moshe and Israel then shows us the most progressive law regarding women’s rights in the entire ancient world. After this we get more purity regulations and a repetition of the Moedim, or appointed times of Abba YHWH along with their associated offerings given in chapters 28 and 29.

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WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Apostolic Writings Aramaic to English translation and Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home”