
“The Judgments” concerns a list of rules and regulations that Abba YHWH is giving to Israel. They involve practical examples from the root commands given at Sinai. However, there is much more going on here than a mere laundry list of obligations. Sandwiched between these rules are some of the most powerful insights that Abba YHWH has ever imparted to man. It’s as if we have to wade through the rules to get to the reward of these insights. Hey, that sounds a lot like life too!

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It is very significant that this parsha is named “Jethro” and not “The Ten Words” or Commandments that it contains. In a sense the advice that Jethro gives Moshe is just as important as the Ten Commandments because it shows YHWH’s plan. First Moshe needs to keep himself from getting exhausted. Then he needs to set the leaders of the nation of Israel on the right course and encourage discussion between them and the people. And finally, the people need to understand that when Abba YHWH says “Don’t go there or you will die” that He is serious! Only then, with every one playing their appropriate part and in the right frame of mind, can the Commandments be given.

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Yitro (Audio Portion)

It is very significant that this parsha is named “Jethro” and not “The Ten Words” or Commandments that it contains. In a sense the advice that Jethro gives Moshe is just as important as the Ten Commandments because it shows YHWH’s plan. First Moshe needs to keep himself from getting exhausted. Then he needs to set the leaders of the nation of Israel on the right course and encourage discussion between them and the people. And finally, the people need to understand that when Abba YHWH says “Don’t go there or you will die” that He is serious!
Only then, with every one playing their appropriate part and in the right frame of mind, can the Commandments be given.

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Be’shalach (Audio portion)

“Be’shalach” means “let go,” and the portion begins with Pharaoh regretting his decision to free the Hebrews, so he musters his chariots in an attempt to bring them all back. Instead however Abba YHWH parts the waters of the Reed Sea and destroys Pharaoh’s army. But even as Israel rejoices, her trials are just beginning. After leaving camp from Elim on the 15th day (proving lunar sabbath wrong), the Israelites complain they don’t have enough meat, Abba YHWH sends a flock of quail and this is the first appearance of the mysterious Manna bread. The portion ends with a key victory against Amalek; a victory only achieved with Moshe’s arms being held up by Aaron and Hur.

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“Be’shalach” means “let go,” and the portion begins with Pharaoh regretting his decision to free the Hebrews, so he musters his chariots in an attempt to bring them all back. Instead however Abba YHWH parts the waters of the Reed Sea and destroys Pharaoh’s army. But even as Israel rejoices, her trials are just beginning. After leaving camp from Elim on the 15th day (proving lunar sabbath wrong), the Israelites complain they don’t have enough meat, Abba YHWH sends a flock of quail and this is the first appearance of the mysterious Manna bread. The portion ends with a key victory against Amalek; a victory only achieved with Moshe’s arms being held up by Aaron and Hur.

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Bo (Audio Portion)

“Bo” means “go,” and that’s exactly what the Israelites do! After the last three plagues of locusts, darkness and killing the first born of Egypt do their damage, Pharaoh at last relents and lets Israel go. In the stunning aftermath of these events, the Pesach meal is instituted as an eternal memorial.

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“Bo” means “go,” and that’s exactly what the Israelites do! After the last three plagues of locusts, darkness and killing the first born of Egypt do their damage, Pharaoh at last relents and lets Israel go. In the stunning aftermath of these events, the Pesach meal is instituted as an eternal memorial.

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Yeshua’s Death and the Double Witness Pattern

Shalom everyone! I have been waiting three years to post this very special series YESHUA’S DEATH AND THE DOUBLE WITNESS PATTERN and now that wait is over as I took time to verify everything I spoke on in 2019 on this topic. What is the precise year Yeshua died and how can we know the true interval between crucifixion and resurrection? The answers herein are astonishing. From a once in a thousand year rare astronomical event that happened the month Yeshua died to the latest in Hebrew and Aramaic research and a deep dive into Tanakh prophecy, this answer is far more majestic and massive than it might otherwise appear. I literally had to re-do 20 years of previous research and start over–again–to find a complete answer that takes every Scripture reference on this subject into account. Prepare for some shocks along the way as we see where this journey takes us all! Also, what I called “RCSB” at the time of filming is now known as the Apostolic Writings, which I hope will be coming out in a few months and will announce when I know more. Enjoy!

Va’Era (Audio Portion)

Va’Era means “and I appeared,” as in Abba YHWH explaining that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and this thought of course follows from His introduction in Shemot that Moshe is a descendant of these people, “I am the El of your fathers…” After the initial “Bricks Without Straw” setback which happened last week, Moshe is strengthened to go back to Pharaoh though neither he nor his own people seem willing to do the right thing. Now also the “warning period” is over and Abba YHWH prepares to begin the real battle. After the signs of the serpent and the leprosy are given and Pharaoh refuses to listen, Moshe turns the Nile to blood and Egypt thirsts for 7 days. Plague after plague follows, along with failed attempts on Pharaoh’s part to either muddy the issue or distract Abba YHWH from His purpose. The portion ends with the plague of hail, but worse plagues are still in their future.

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Va’Era means “and I appeared,” as in Abba YHWH explaining that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and this thought of course follows from His introduction in Shemot that Moshe is a descendant of these people, “I am the El of your fathers…” After the initial “Bricks Without Straw” setback which happened last week, Moshe is strengthened to go back to Pharaoh though neither he nor his own people seem willing to do the right thing. Now also the “warning period” is over and Abba YHWH prepares to begin the real battle. After the signs of the serpent and the leprosy are given and Pharaoh refuses to listen, Moshe turns the Nile to blood and Egypt thirsts for 7 days. Plague after plague follows, along with failed attempts on Pharaoh’s part to either muddy the issue or distract Abba YHWH from His purpose. The portion ends with the plague of hail, but worse plagues are still in their future.

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Shemot (Audio Portion)

Shemot means “the names,” and it is almost impossible to do justice in a few lines to such a majestic portion. We begin with the set-up of “the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph” and who therefore enslaves the Israelites (probably Ahmose I). Despite an edict to kill all Hebrew male infants, Moshe escapes and is adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter called “Bithia” by the rabbis, “Thermuthis” by Josephus or “Tarmuth” by the Talmud. Moshe is raised as a Prince of Egypt until he kills an overseer for beating a Hebrew slave. Then he flees to Midian and is given shelter by Jethro, priest of Midian, but it is in the wilderness outside of Midian that Moshe meets Abba YHWH for the first time as he climbs Mount Sinai. Abba YHWH reveals Himself and gives Moshe his true purpose—he is to return to Egypt and free the slaves. The portion though ends on a down note, with Pharaoh refusing and saying they must now make bricks without straw, so Abba YHWH warns a fearsome judgment is on the way.

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Shemot means “the names,” and it is almost impossible to do justice in a few lines to such a majestic portion. We begin with the set-up of “the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph” and who therefore enslaves the Israelites (probably Ahmose I). Despite an edict to kill all Hebrew male infants, Moshe escapes and is adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter called “Bithia” by the rabbis, “Thermuthis” by Josephus or “Tarmuth” by the Talmud. Moshe is raised as a Prince of Egypt until he kills an overseer for beating a Hebrew slave. Then he flees to Midian and is given shelter by Jethro, priest of Midian, but it is in the wilderness outside of Midian that Moshe meets Abba YHWH for the first time as he climbs Mount Sinai. Abba YHWH reveals Himself and gives Moshe his true purpose—he is to return to Egypt and free the slaves. The portion though ends on a down note, with Pharaoh refusing and saying they must now make bricks without straw, so Abba YHWH warns a fearsome judgment is on the way.

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