Tazria means “to bring seed, give birth.” It begins with the “niddah” rules, or how a woman is unclean for a certain period after giving birth. The rest of the portion then deals with how lepers are to be isolated and ultimately pronounced clean by the priests before being allowed to rejoin Israel.
Tazria means “to bring seed, give birth”. It begins with the “niddah” rules, or how a woman is unclean for a certain period after giving birth. The rest of the portion then deals with how lepers are to be isolated and ultimately pronounced clean by the priests before being allowed to rejoin Israel.
Heavenly Father, Almighty Yahweh, we lift You up in prayer that this virus whose name means crown is nothing against You and Your Crown for You are the King of Kings. Hallel-u-YAH. We pray for a Psalm 91 covering of protection. We will not be afraid of the dread by night nor the arrow that flies by day nor this pestilence that walks in darkness nor destruction that walks at midday for none shall come near us!
We Your people also pray for an Isaiah 54 annointing that this virus and weapon, whether formed by nature or the enemy or man, will never prosper against us for we are Your people and we put our trust in You O YAH and not in princes.
We ask these things in Your Set-Apart Name O Yahweh and in the name of Your only begotten Son Yeshua the Messiah of Nazareth, through whom You have given us eternal life. Thank You and amen, amen!
Shemini means “on the 8th day” deals with the end of the priests’ consecration period. After this, they can then make expiation for all of Israel. Unfortunately however, two of Aaron’s sons pay the ultimate price for not ministering properly to the people. The portion then ends with the “kosher list” of what can and cannot be eaten, a perfect segue into our Renewed Covenant reading which also discusses kosher food.
Shemini means “on the 8th day” deals with the end of the priests’ consecration period. After this, they can then make expiation for all of Israel. Unfortunately however, two of Aaron’s sons pay the ultimate price for not ministering properly to the people. The portion then ends with the “kosher list” of what can and cannot be eaten, a perfect segue into our Renewed Covenant reading which also discusses kosher food.
Tzav means “command” as in commanding the sons of Aaron. It is another form of the same root we saw in an earlier parsha “tetzaveh” or “you will command/charge”. This time the focus of the portion is on the priestly responsibilities in preparing sacrifices.
Tzav means “command” as in commanding the sons of Aaron. It is another form of the same root we saw in an earlier parsha “tetzaveh” or “you will command/charge”. This time the focus of the portion is on the priestly responsibilities in preparing sacrifices.
“Vayikra” means “and he called” and seems focused on the details about the various offerings and sacrifices that are needed for and by the priests of Aaron. I say “seems focused” because there are a lot of deep spiritual realities laying beneath the surface when we delve into the meanings of these rituals. The 2020 Purim Special follows Video #3! Enjoy!
“Vayikra” means “and he called” and seems focused on the details about the various offerings and sacrifices that are needed for and by the priests of Aaron. I say “seems focused” because there are a lot of deep spiritual realities laying beneath the surface when we delve into the meanings of these rituals. The 2020 Purim Special follows Video #3! Enjoy!
Chag Sameyach! Explore the amazing biblical and historical roots of Purim as we go deep into the origins and surprising connections of this great deliverance story. Enjoy! Keep Reeding
“Pekudei” means “these are the records/expenses” and the portion opens with giving the pricing values for the materials that will be used in the Tabernacle. Many exacting physical (and spiritual) details are given for all the wondrous objects and the Tabernacle. But after all these long lists (from this portion and the previous ones) we finally get to the “payoff” in lovely chapter 40. It is in chapter 40—the last of Exodus—that time literally begins again as the priests begin their official service for Israel.