It’s been several months since the deaths of Nadab and Abihu, since the nation of Israel and her priesthood teetered on the brink of extinction. But Father Yah has deliberated and decided they all will continue, but the priests and the people they serve must get serious about keeping the Torah without excuses or confusion. Also a special insider look of the Zadokite priesthood from one who knows all about them, the prophet Ezekiel, and why they are so indispensable to our apocalyptic future, followed by an in-depth look at what Colossians 2 does, and more importantly, what it does NOT mean, wrapping up with the ins and outs of blasphemy as well.
It’s been several months since the deaths of Nadab and Abihu, since the nation of Israel and her priesthood teetered on the brink of extinction. But Father Yah has deliberated and decided they all will continue, but the priests and the people they serve must get serious about keeping the Torah without excuses or confusion. Also a special insider look of the Zadokite priesthood from one who knows all about them, the prophet Ezekiel, and why they are so indispensable to our apocalyptic future, followed by an in-depth look at what Colossians 2 does, and more importantly, what it does NOT mean, wrapping up with the ins and outs of blasphemy as well.
They don’t have money or power, but what they do have is “a particular set of skills”. And they better use those skills to perfection because already they lost nearly half of their number and now, if these few who are left mess up too, they die and a nation of 2 million is put at risk. Who can save the day? Nothing from the mind of Hollywood that’s for sure. These are the priests and they literally take their lives into their own hands every day they serve. Don’t be”taken” in by imitations–Aaron and sons are the real deal. And also we close with a Torah Thought for the Week on a fairly controversial subject but one which I truly endeavor to deal with in both love and accurately from Scripture. What is it? Well, let’s just say it’s about the people in your neighborhood–as told through the eyes of another priest, Ezekiel.
They don’t have money or power, but what they do have is “a particular set of skills”. And they better use those skills to perfection because already they lost nearly half of their number and now, if these few who are left mess up too, they die and a nation of 2 million is put at risk. Who can save the day? Nothing from the mind of Hollywood that’s for sure. These are the priests and they literally take their lives into their own hands every day they serve. Don’t be “taken” in by imitations–Aaron and sons are the real deal. And also we close with a Torah Thought for the Week on a fairly controversial subject but one which I truly endeavor to deal with in both love and accurately from Scripture. What is it? Well, let’s just say it’s about the people in your neighborhood–as told through the eyes of another priest, Ezekiel.
It’s just a skin disease; a medical condition like any other. Or is it? Even the sages cannot decide this seemingly simple question. Is leprosy divine judgment for a moral failure or just another kind of defilement that happens in the course of normal living? Can it be equated to any known ski disease today? And if it has nothing to do with today’s skin diseases, why do the medical protocols in this part of Leviticus still being used today with great medical effectiveness? Also: When Y’shua heals the woman with the 12 year flow of blood, did the power come only from Y’shua or from his Father and what does that answer reveal about the relationship between the Father and the Son? One thing is for certain: These mysteries certainly don’t just run skin deep!
It’s just a skin disease; a medical condition like any other. Or is it? Even the sages cannot decide this seemingly simple question. Is leprosy divine judgment for a moral failure or just another kind of defilement that happens in the course of normal living? Can it be equated to any known ski disease today? And if it has nothing to do with today’s skin diseases, why do the medical protocols in this part of Leviticus still being used today with great medical effectiveness? Also: When Y’shua heals the woman with the 12 year flow of blood, did the power come only from Y’shua or from his Father and what does that answer reveal about the relationship between the Father and the Son? One thing is for certain: These mysteries certainly don’t just run skin deep!
It’s just a skin disease; a medical condition like any other. Or is it? Even the sages cannot decide this seemingly simple question. Is leprosy divine judgment for a moral failure or just another kind of defilement that happens in the course of normal living? Can it be equated to any known ski disease today? And if it has nothing to do with today’s skin diseases, why do the medical protocols in this part of Leviticus still being used today with great medical effectiveness? Also: When Y’shua heals the woman with the 12 year flow of blood, did the power come only from Y’shua or from his Father and what does that answer reveal about the relationship between the Father and the Son? One thing is for certain: These mysteries certainly don’t just run skin deep!
Tazria. One chapter gives us intimate details about what Messiah’s earthly parents will go through bringing him into the world. The other chapter reveals the true reasons why Messiah kept saying to those he healed of leprosy “Go and show yourselves to the priests”. Messiah is in fact all over this short yet very powerful portion. Also we’ll have an update on some of the latest research surrounding Passion Week and how to clarify what seems to be hopelessly contradictory and confusing language describing the day Messiah died. It’s a surprising conclusion, to say the least.
Tazria. One chapter gives us intimate details about what Messiah’s earthly parents will go through bringing him into the world. The other chapter reveals the true reasons why Messiah kept saying to those he healed of leprosy “Go and show yourselves to the priests”. Messiah is in fact all over this short yet very powerful portion. Also we’ll have an update on some of the latest research surrounding Passion Week and how to clarify what seems to be hopelessly contradictory and confusing language describing the day Messiah died. It’s a surprising conclusion, to say the least.
Tazria. One chapter gives us intimate details about what Messiah’s earthly parents will go through bringing him into the world. The other chapter reveals the true reasons why Messiah kept saying to those he healed of leprosy “Go and show yourselves to the priests”. Messiah is in fact all over this short yet very powerful portion. Also we’ll have an update on some of the latest research surrounding Passion Week and how to clarify what seems to be hopelessly contradictory and confusing language describing the day Messiah died. It’s a surprising conclusion, to say the least.
It’s five priests for more than 2 million Israelites. That is, until it’s down to only three because Nadav and Avihu die for their rebellion against Father Yah. Even more socking, neither their father Aaron nor their brothers are allowed to bury them, because then the whole priesthood is at risk and, along with it, the fate of the entire nation. What Moshe and Aaron do now will literally determine the fate of an entire nation. No pressure guys, but whatever you do, you better do it soon!