A righteous man who finally completed his long quest loses the love of his life. He wants to bury her but if he takes a sweetheart deal he might just end up creating an international incident. And a servant is sent on a dangerous mission to a people he never met with only the hope of miracles to make him successful. Not bad for about 30 lines, so what about the rest of the parsha? Trust me when I tell you that Chayei Sarah has far more going on than meets the eye.
A righteous man who finally completed his long quest loses the love of his life. He wants to bury her but if he takes a sweetheart deal he might just end up creating an international incident. And a servant is sent on a dangerous mission to a people he never met with only the hope of miracles to make him successful. Not bad for about 30 lines, so what about the rest of the parsha? Trust me when I tell you that Chayei Sarah has far more going on than meets the eye. Please Note I mistakenly ending the first video before reading chapter 25 of the parsha, but I do finish it at the start of video #2. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Talk about family problems! This week Abraham seems to have enough worries with his kindred to fill an entire lifetime. First he has to attempt to negotiate with his Heavenly Father to try and spare Sodom, where his nephew Lot is living. When the “auction of souls”–going from 50 righteous down to 10–ultimately fails, Father Yah sends two angels to help Abraham’s nephew, and two of Lot’s future sons in law refuse to take the threat to Sodom seriously while Lot himself offers his two daughters to an unruly crowd to keep them from getting intimate with his guests. Lot’s own wife though won’t make it however due to her “salty” personality, while in the meantime Abraham is sending away his eldest son at the behest of his wife Sarah. Then we climax with Abraham feeling compelled to kill his remaining son Isaac, with the distinct possibly that the aftermath of that incident had Sarah perhaps die of a broken heart. Or did she? Either way, you are not likely to find a more “family intensive” parsha than this one, and I haven’t even gotten to the bonus teachings yet! This parsha proves to my mind at least that to miss one week is to miss a great deal.
Talk about family problems! This week Abraham seems to have enough worries with his kindred to fill an entire lifetime. First he has to attempt to negotiate with his Heavenly Father to try and spare Sodom, where his nephew Lot is living. When the “auction of souls”–going from 50 righteous down to 10–ultimately fails, Father Yah sends two angels to help Abraham’s nephew, and two of Lot’s future sons in law refuse to take the threat to Sodom seriously while Lot himself offers his two daughters to an unruly crowd to keep them from getting intimate with his guests. Lot’s own wife though won’t make it however due to her “salty” personality, while in the meantime Abraham is sending away his eldest son at the behest of his wife Sarah. Then we climax with Abraham feeling compelled to kill his remaining son Isaac, with the distinct possibly that the aftermath of that incident had Sarah perhaps die of a broken heart. Or did she? Either way, you are not likely to find a more “family intensive” parsha than this one, and I haven’t even gotten to the bonus teachings yet! This parsha proves to my mind at least that to miss one week is to miss a great deal.
Talk about family problems! This week Abraham seems to have enough worries with his kindred to fill an entire lifetime. First he has to attempt to negotiate with his Heavenly Father to try and spare Sodom, where his nephew Lot is living. When the “auction of souls”–going from 50 righteous down to 10–ultimately fails, Father Yah sends two angels to help Abraham’s nephew, and two of Lot’s future sons in law refuse to take the threat to Sodom seriously while Lot himself offers his two daughters to an unruly crowd to keep them from getting intimate with his guests. Lot’s own wife though won’t make it however due to her “salty” personality, while in the meantime Abraham is sending away his eldest son at the behest of his wife Sarah. Then we climax with Abraham feeling compelled to kill his remaining son Isaac, with the distinct possibly that the aftermath of that incident had Sarah perhaps die of a broken heart. Or did she? Either way, you are not likely to find a more “family intensive” parsha than this one, and I haven’t even gotten to the bonus teachings yet! This parsha proves to my mind at least that to miss one week is to miss a great deal.
First He created the physical universe and the entire human race. Then Father Yah wiped out nearly everyone in a devastating Flood He promised would never happen again. And now, our Heavenly Father has waited ten whole generations for one man after His heart to be born, and his name is Abram, later renamed Abraham, the father of many nations. See the covenant emerge from the greatest disaster ever to hit the human race as Abraham deals with struggles as great as the cosmos and as close to home as his own bedchamber. I hope you will also enjoy our very special focus this week on Biblical Archaeology and discover the amazing discoveries coming out of the ground that prove the Scripture correct.
First He created the physical universe and the entire human race. Then Father Yah wiped out nearly everyone in a devastating Flood He promised would never happen again. And now, our Heavenly Father has waited ten whole generations for one man after His heart to be born, and his name is Abram, later renamed Abraham, the father of many nations. See the covenant emerge from the greatest disaster ever to hit the human race as Abraham deals with struggles as great as the cosmos and as close to home as his own bedchamber. I hope you will also enjoy our very special focus this week on Biblical Archaeology and discover the amazing discoveries coming out of the ground that prove the Scripture correct.
First He created the physical universe and the entire human race. Then Father Yah wiped out nearly everyone in a devastating Flood He promised would never happen again. And now, our Heavenly Father has waited ten whole generations for one man after His heart to be born, and his name is Abram, later renamed Abraham, the father of many nations. See the covenant emerge from the greatest disaster ever to hit the human race as Abraham deals with struggles as great as the cosmos and as close to home as his own bedchamber. I hope you will also enjoy our very special focus this week on Biblical Archaeology and discover the amazing discoveries coming out of the ground that prove the Scripture correct.
It’s the worst day ever for the human race–a day like no other when the world of humanity is destroyed in a devastating global flood that is so bad Father Yah promises never to do it again. But Noah’s flood is about so much more, as this year long disaster reveals so much information about history, astronomy and timekeeping. It is a window into the ancient world like none other in the entirety of Scripture. See the Torah open up its mysteries like never before with several bonus teachings along with the linguistics and historical analysis to tie it all together.
It’s the worst day ever for the human race–a day like no other when the world of humanity is destroyed in a devastating global flood that is so bad Father Yah promises never to do it again. But Noah’s flood is about so much more, as this year long disaster reveals so much information about history, astronomy and timekeeping. It is a window into the ancient world like none other in the entirety of Scripture. See the Torah open up its mysteries like never before with several bonus teachings along with the linguistics and historical analysis to tie it all together.
It’s the worst day ever for the human race–a day like no other when the world of humanity is destroyed in a devastating global flood that is so bad Father Yah promises never to do it again. But Noah’s flood is about so much more, as this year long disaster reveals so much information about history, astronomy and timekeeping. It is a window into the ancient world like none other in the entirety of Scripture. See the Torah open up its mysteries like never before with several bonus teachings along with the linguistics and historical analysis to tie it all together.