2019 Hanukkah Special

Explore the fascinating prophetic roots of Hanukkah, literally from Genesis to Revelation! Enjoy!

[pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2bn3t67r5unlbs/2019%20HANUKKAH%20SPECIAL%20AT%20SCROLL%20TO%20SCROLL.pdf?dl=0 ]

2019 Sukkot Special (Audio Version)

From the deep foreshadowings of Genesis to the heart of Revelation and straight on to our apocalyptic future, see how Sukkot looms large over all things scriptural! With deep and penetrating bonus features on the entire history of this greatest of all feasts, explore the connections that show us exactly when Messiah was born and may very well point to when he is coming back. It’s the greatest feast special of them all, so don’t miss it!

2019 Sukkot Special!

From the deep foreshadowings of Genesis to the heart of Revelation and straight on to our apocalyptic future, see how Sukkot looms large over all things scriptural! With deep and penetrating bonus features on the entire history of this greatest of all feasts, explore the connections that show us exactly when Messiah was born and may very well point to when he is coming back. It’s the greatest feast special of them all, so don’t miss it!

Note: I meant to say on video #1 that Yeshua is born at the start of the 28th Jubilee [it’s Year 1] and neither its end nor the start of the 29th. I have updated the notes to make sure this is clear.

[pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/apxftbhgc7svc1g/SUKKOT%20SPECIAL%202019.pdf?dl=0 ]

2019 Yom Kippur Special!

It the best known and least known part of feast season. A time of fasting so one can stay alive in the new year is also said to be the most joyous time of them all. A feast clearly inaugurated by Moshe has foreshadowing all the way back to the Flood and forwards to Yeshua, Paul and even Yochanan, among the last things that apostle writes on the island of Patmos. Suppressed by some but embraced as part of our prophetic future by the remnant, enter the mystery of the this great fast, where nothing is as it seems. Keep Reeding

2019 Yom Teruah Special!

Chag Sameyach! Rejoice for the Feast Season if finally here! Kick it off with us with the 2019 Yom Teruah Special. Go deep into the stunning variety of names for this time (Day of Concealment, Day of Judgment being just two). What is the relationship between the Torah -mandated Yom Teruah and the modern Rosh Hashanna and how does this precious seventh new moon wind its way from the Torah to Revelation? Find out as special calendar teachings (see Video #2) and deep linguistic and historical analysis take us deeper into the his Appointed Time than ever before. Enjoy and celebrate!

[pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/kc17n6f0f7hgh6o/2019%20Yom%20Teruah%20Special.pdf?dl=0 ]

2019 Shavuot Special!

From foreshadowing from the early days of the patriarchs to prophetic and apocalyptic warnings about our future, Shavuot has been linked to so many critical events. From the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai to spectacular outpouring of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in Acts 2 and beyond, Shavuot has roots in it all. Sort through the political and religious spin, explore ancient controversies to find the truth. It’s all here so enjoy! Keep Reeding

The 2019 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Here is the 2019 Eternal Torah Calendar with detailed information on Feasts and scheduled parshas. Enjoy!

[pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/x54l3yrwjd91qvi/2019-Eternal%20Torah%20Calendar.pdf?dl=0 ]

2019 Pesach Special!

Chag Sameyach everyone–it’s Pesach again and time to celebrate all the wonderful ways Father Yah has delivered us! Whether some of us celebrate this week the deliverance of the Jews in Persia on the rabbinic calendar, or Pesach right now on the Eternal Torah Calendar or just remembering the death and resurrection of Messiah at this time, deliverance and miracles are all around us. We have a lot of mysteries and some controversies to explore together but it is such an amazing ride. Join us! Keep Reeding

2019 Purim Special (Audio Portion)

Welcome to the feast season at long last! Purim is an amazing occasion, that has foreshadowing all the way back to Exodus, solid evidence of Y’shua keeping that feast in his own day and remains important t our times and far beyond. How is this feast related to an ancient pagan battle? How are the spiritual politics of ancient times related to the Book of Esther being excluded from the Dead Sea Scrolls? And is it even possible that we have evidence that Y’shua kept the feast at least twice in his 3 1/2 year ministry? Explore these fascinating aspect and so much more in the 2019 Purim Special! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

2019 Purim Special

Welcome to the feast season at long last! Purim is an amazing occasion, that has foreshadowing all the way back to Exodus, solid evidence of Y’shua keeping that feast in his own day and remains important t our times and far beyond. How is this feast related to an ancient pagan battle? How are the spiritual politics of ancient times related to the Book of Esther being excluded from the Dead Sea Scrolls? And is it even possible that we have evidence that Y’shua kept the feast at least twice in his 3 1/2 year ministry? Explore these fascinating aspect and so much more in the 2019 Purim Special! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

Dead Sea Scrolls “Secret Calendar” Update

While this amazing discovery is also part of our Notes for this week’s parsha of Be’shallach, I also wanted to feature this article here as well. In this fascinating article, leading Dead Sea Scrolls scholars go over more evidence about the original Torah based calendar that preceded the rabbinic calendar. But there are also details we will review together about how the shadowy group of Essenes diverged from the correct timing and how a fragmented and in accurate version of what was a priestly system before it got corrupted in extrabiblical literature like 1 Enoch and Jubilees. Where did they go wrong that the Dead Sea Scrolls did better, and where did truth leave calendar processes altogether due to bad spiritual politics? Find out! Keep Reeding

2018 Sukkot Special Volume 2 with last Parsha (Audio Portion)

Chag Sameyach! From early hints in Genesis linked to Jacob to some of the last parts of Revelation, so Feast has the range and depth of Sukkot. Enjoy this second of two in-depth feast teachings, this one covering more on the special Shabbat during the Feast and the last two special days of the Feast along with the last parsha of the year, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. For those looking for a taste of what heaven or the Millennial Kingdom is to be like, look no further than Sukkot. May you all rejoice before YHWH greatly during this Set-Apart time! Keep Reeding