The 2025 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Shalom all! 2025 is a study in contrasts and a welcome relief after the Disruption Year that is 2024. Now the ETC and Rabbinic Calendar are back in synchronization as far as the Moedim are concerned, but because ETC Sukkot is a month earlier than the Rabbinic one, the timing of recycling back to Genesis 1 is still negatively impacted. We also have a fascinating clustering of consecutive 30 and 29 day months by simply following what the moon does, which the Rabbinic does not allow to happen. We even have another “claw-back contingency” where the sun restrains the moon from having a 31-day month, which also happened in 2023 though it is a rare phenomenon overall. Still, it remains a beautiful thing to see the sun, moon, stars and the cycles of the Earth all proclaiming the glory of Father YAH! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

Where is the Ark of the Covenant-2024 Updated Edition

Explore the mystery of the most famous missing biblical artifact and weapon. For the first time, Scripture and wider history are brought together to definitively track the Ark of the Covenant. See the prophecy that forced the Ark out of Jerusalem and Judah and learn how Jeremiah tells us when and why it left as well as the next two places it went on its long journey. And finally see the real notes from the archaeological excavation in the place where it rests today. Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

2024 Purim Special

From the mysterious ordered feast in Exodus that never happens, to the spectacular redemptive drama of Scripture to the “Feast of the Jews” in Yochanan 5, Purim has a journey through Scripture and history like no other. It is even part of one of the most iconic battles in the ancient world between t he famous 300 Spartans and the Persian Empire. Explore the history and deep connections and see how Purim is literally a feast of global spiritual proportions.

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Yeshua’s Death and the Double Witness Pattern

Shalom everyone! I have been waiting three years to post this very special series YESHUA’S DEATH AND THE DOUBLE WITNESS PATTERN and now that wait is over as I took time to verify everything I spoke on in 2019 on this topic. What is the precise year Yeshua died and how can we know the true interval between crucifixion and resurrection? The answers herein are astonishing. From a once in a thousand year rare astronomical event that happened the month Yeshua died to the latest in Hebrew and Aramaic research and a deep dive into Tanakh prophecy, this answer is far more majestic and massive than it might otherwise appear. I literally had to re-do 20 years of previous research and start over–again–to find a complete answer that takes every Scripture reference on this subject into account. Prepare for some shocks along the way as we see where this journey takes us all! Also, what I called “RCSB” at the time of filming is now known as the Apostolic Writings, which I hope will be coming out in a few months and will announce when I know more. Enjoy!

2023 Hanukkah Special!

From the pages of Genesis to Revelation, no feast has more clues about its prophetic approach than Hanukkah. This so-called “optional” feast that Jews keep though it is not in Tanakh and most Christians do not keep though it is in Yochanan 10, is one important enough to Yeshua that he went 90 miles in the rain and mud to get to Jerusalem, knowing he would get in and argument and yet proclaimed to the Pharisees, “I and my Father are one.” Join the journey to see Hanukkah also foreshadowed centuries in advance by Nehemiah and others. Keep Reeding

Channel 24–Andrew Gabriel Roth on “The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity”

Here is another video in the series I did for Channel 24. On this installment, my first one back in December 2017, I talk about “The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity” which shows that Torah is the way to a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with Yeshua the Messiah. Enjoy!

The Five Prophets

As we get further in to the special month of Elul, this is a perfect time to reconnect with our biblical legacy and dive deep into what the men behind the Scrpture actually went through to bring their Words to us. While at the Tabernacle of David synagogue in Burnsville Minnesota earlier this month, I was privileged to deliver a two part audio teaching called “The Five Prophets.” I chose these exceptional men because to tell their extraordinary stories links us not only to nearly all the other prophets in Scrpture, but also to the kings of Judah and Israel that they labored under, sometimes cooperatively but often in life and death opposition. Part 1 covers Isaiah and Jeremiah, while Part 2 focusses on Ezekiel, Elijah and Elisha. But 1F1PM members also get exclusive access to my notes, which was not in the original teaching. Enjoy!

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The 2024 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

While 2024 is a “disruption year” with the rabbis being a month late, we have all the tools you need to navigate the confusion and maybe celebrate twice the feasts for twice the fun! Get the full details of what to expect and make the best choice possible for you and your families. Enjoy! Also, as long as you are here, you might want to also check out my latest free teaching “The Five Prophets” on mp3 and including my teaching notes. It’s at the bottom half of the home page.

Click this Link to Download the 2024 Eternal Torah Calendar!

Special Bonus: Lost Biography of Peter Update!

Excerpted from the upcoming Bamidbar parsha, this is the latest update on the “Shimon bar Yona” inscription found at Dominus Flevit monastery on the Mount of Olives in 1953. In this installment, Andrew takes you through a new article attempting to deny that it reads YONA (Jonah), showcasing deceptive tactics and irresponsible reporting of important details and facts. It is, quite honestly, a passionate defense that is also clinically presented. I am also including for our ministry members the Bamidbar notes that contain this entire teaching as well as my full and complete PDF images of Dominus Flevit, the Church of the Flagellation and specialized study graphics. This topic is too important to not make a separate teaching! Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

Special Bonus! All of my special images and graphics from Dominus Flevit and the Church of the Flagellation. These include brand new research graphics and the new color shots from December 2022 Zupan Expedition!

Click this Link to Download the Notes!

2022 Hanukkah Special!

From the pages of Genesis to Revelation, no feast has more clues about its prophetic approach than Hanukkah. This so-called “optional” feast that Jews keep though it is not in Tanakh and most Christians do not keep though it is in Yochanan 10, is one important enough to Yeshua that he went 90 miles in the rain and mud to get to Jerusalem, knowing he would get in and argument and yet proclaimed to the Pharisees, “I and my Father are one.” Join the journey to see Hanukkah also foreshadowed centuries in advance by Nehemiah and others. Also, for those of you who saw part 1 of the archaeology update in “Mikkets” about the Lost Biograph of Peter, part 2 is in video 2 and is not to be missed! But that is assuming you are watching from Shabbat, but I had to put the Hanukkah Special up before Mikkets on Wednesday night while Mikkets will air Thursday night. Keep Reeding

The 2022 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

It’s that time of year again, this special interval between the end of the spring feasts but before the fall feasts when many folks begin making plans for next year. To help, here is the 2022 Eternal Torah Calendar, with detailed explanations and comparisons to the Rabbinic Calendar as well. May it truly be a blessing for all of you! Enjoy!

In Search of the Last Autograph Manuscript of the New Testament

In a special exclusive just for One Faith One People Ministries friends and members, this is the only place to the get the full story of my ongoing quest to retrieve Aramaic Gospels written in 78 CE from the Vatican Library. This story is completely updated, including the most recent correspondence between myself and the staff at the Vatican Library. Enter the mystery and follow the clues in this nearly 2 hour exploration into real history and spiritual politics. This is the only place to get the full story of what I have told only in shorter versions before. This is not Hollywood and it’s not Dan Brown either. It’s a real life adventure in quest of what will be the most important discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls…and it’s all true!

Compare this to the “public version” that comes in at 28 minutes!

Still in a hurry? Read this brief scholarly essay complete with maps and a bibliography.

Click Link to Access Notes for Tablet or Phone!

Or, take a wider view and see how to separate history from legend in Syriac religious literature.

Click Here to Download Notes for Tablets and Mobile Phones

“The extraordinary richness of the Vatican manuscript collections – Latin, Greek and Oriental – make it one of the world’s outstanding libraries in terms of the quantity and the quality of the manuscripts preserved there, which range from papyrus codices of the Gospels and of other New Testament writings, transcribed only a few decades after they were composed, to late antique manuscripts of Vergil and Terence.” – Official statement from the Vatican Library,