Seasons of Hope (Moedim)–A Special Channel 24 Teaching!

In this third and final installment of teachings I did at Channel 24, we finally get to the Feasts of YHWH and why all Biblical believers–including Christians–need to join us for this joyous time. Here you will find basic but important descriptions of all the major feasts of the year. Enjoy!

Yom Teruah Special (Audio Portion)

Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

2022 Yom Teruah Special!

Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

The 2023 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Some amazing rare and special events make 2023 a year to remember! Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the 2023 Eternal Torah Calendar!

2022 Shavuot Special!

Welcome to the 2022 Shavuot Special! Explore the deep connection of this very special Great Feasts, with the giving of the Ten Commandments and the stunning events in Acts 2. Also find out which famous miracle of Yeshua has a special connection to Shavuot that most folks don’t even know about. Enjoy! Keep Reeding

2022 Pesach Special!

From deep clues from Noah’s Flood to the death and resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah, explore the surprising history of Pesach from beginning to end! Keep Reeding

I Believe in Yeshua 2021

Here’s an interesting story (I hope). In 2009 I won a talent competition with the grand prize of 6 free hours of recording studio time. I went in and decided I would only record for 3 hours and let the engineers do their thing for the remaining 3 hours, and they finished 5 minutes before I would have to start paying! At any rate I used the tracks done that day to release an album on ITUNES (it’s been taken down since) called “As in Heaven, So on Earth.” It contained both Biblical and secular songs.

But one of the tracks, to my chagrin, came out faulty. I realized that on “I Believe in Yeshua” vocalized a word as SEDGE when I meant to sing SAID, so I never released the song because I never had an opportunity to either re-record it or to edit the error out.

12 years later, when we were staying in Iowa, our host told me he had Garage Band, an Apple product, and he said he could edit out the “EDGE” and have it sound as “SAID”. Long story short he did that for me, so now I have released it here for your enjoyment.

2022 Purim Special!

From a grudge that dates back to Jacob and Esau, to a feast Yahweh commands the Israelites do while still in Egypt that did not happen, to waiting nearly a thousand years for that placeholder of a feast to be fulfilled, few feasts have a greater reach both backwards and forwards than Purim. There is even a deep connection between Purim and one of the most famous battles that ever happened in antiquity, as well as a deep linkage to Yochanan 5. Enjoy! Keep Reeding

Star of Bethlehem: New Evidence (Preview Edition)

Shalom everyone! Here is the preview video of the new Star of Bethlehem material. A full length documentary-interview version with special materials and graphics is in post-production! Enjoy!

2021 Hanukkah Special

From literally Genesis to Revelation, Hanukkah has always been a special feast about light, renewal and re-dedication to Yahweh’s Torah and Path. See the clues to the “hidden Hanukkah” of Genesis, Moshe in the book of Numbers, Solomon, Nehemiah and so many others and see how this relatively recent Feast has actually been with us much longer than the historical events that brought its celebration to the forefront of the Jewish people! Keep Reeding

2021 Sukkot Special Volume 2 (Audio Portion)

Chag Sameyach! From early hints in Genesis linked to Jacob to some of the last parts of Revelation, so Feast has the range and depth of Sukkot. Enjoy this second of two in-depth feast teachings, this one covering more on the special Shabbat during the Feast and the last two special days of the Feast along with the last parsha of the year, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. For those looking for a taste of what heaven or the Millennial Kingdom is to be like, look no further than Sukkot. May you all rejoice before YHWH greatly during this Set-Apart time! Keep Reeding

2021 Sukkot Special Volume 2

Chag Sameyach! From early hints in Genesis linked to Jacob to some of the last parts of Revelation, so Feast has the range and depth of Sukkot. Enjoy this second of two in-depth feast teachings, this one covering more on the special Shabbat during the Feast and the last two special days of the Feast along with the last parsha of the year, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. For those looking for a taste of what heaven or the Millennial Kingdom is to be like, look no further than Sukkot. May you all rejoice before YHWH greatly during this Set-Apart time! Keep Reeding