Torah 101

We often call our study process “walking” through Torah, because it is a wonderful journey that takes time and consistent effort, but it always bears great spiritual fruits for those who wish to understand the Scripture.
But not everyone wishes to go about this in the “total immersion” style of Scroll to Scroll, or they are on the go and need a shorter, more basic teaching. If that describes you, then you need “Torah 101”—the concise yet thought provoking journey through each week’s Scripture teachings. In less than half the time of the regular program, Andrew will distill the essence of the actual Torah portion down to its core message and walk you through the same majestic beauty and intricacies between both parts of our Bible.
See the Torah, Prophets and the New Testament interconnect in a way you never saw before, and all in under an hour, to enable your “walk” in Scripture to deepen each week!
- Torah 101-Lech Lecha October 6, 2016
Abraham: First Action Hero! This is the parsha where the first patriarch takes center stage. Need a man to humble …
- Torah 101-Noach September 29, 2016
In a world where phrases like “disasters of Biblical proportions” have become cliche’, the real deal doesn’t get any bigger …
- Torah 101 will return after Feast season (September 28th!) August 25, 2016
Please see the Scroll to Scroll program for parshas Nitzvaim, Vayelech, Ha’azinu Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah and Bereshit. 2016 Fall Feast Schedule …
- Torah 101-Ki Tavo August 18, 2016
Finalizing the Covenant…now the full weight of Israel’s responsibilities to Father Yah–the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience–is …
- Torah 101-Ki Teze August 12, 2016
This week we show more than three dozen amazing parallels between Moshe and Y’shua! No doubt you know some of …
- Torah 101-Shofetim August 5, 2016
It’s “Judgment Day” Torah style, where Moshe guides Israel in setting up the last of the infrastructure of elder judges. …
- Torah 101-Re’eh July 28, 2016
It’s time for Moshe to lay it on the line with this new generation. Passionately and methodically, the man of …
- Torah 101-Ekev July 22, 2016
Please Note For some reason the Vimeo videos recorded at a lower volume than my video files on my computer. …
- Torah 101-Vaetchanan July 15, 2016
Moshe makes his case! In this parsha we see Moshe deliver the most critical aspects of his message–the foundational Ten …
- Torah 101-Balak June 15, 2016
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In a tale that is equal parts comic and tragic, a gifted prophet of YHWH learns a very hard …