Welcome to our new website!

Shalom and welcome to our new and improved website! We hope you enjoy looking around and exploring our articles, podcasts, Torah studies, videos, and more.

Here are a few things to check out:

  1. Sign up for the monthly newsletter which will have a section on Scripture questions and answers, information relating to our ministry, out-of town teachings that you might be able to attend – dates and locations etc:
  2. YouTube Word of the Week. These are new 5-10 minute videos that we will be putting up on YouTube as a study resource and useful to pass on to friends and family as an introduction to certain topics about our faith walk.
  3. Prayer, Healing and Deliverance – Articles from myself, Jaye, and our ministry partners that may be helpful to you and anyone you know whose life can use some gentle, loving intervention.
  4. Articles, videos teachings, Hebrew calendar resources and more.
  5. New Testament Podcasts – My wife and I study and discuss the New Testament chapter-by-chapter in 30 minute study.
  6. For our members, we offer Torah 101 and in-depth Full Torah Portion studies, which includes Andrew detailed study notes, full length Torah study videos, and audio podcasts.  Not a member yet? Become a member for under $10/month. Doing so supports our ministry and allows us to continue in this service to our Father. We’re grateful for your support.

I hope you will enjoy your time at our website and that your life with be enriched.

Thank you and blessings,
Andrew Gabriel Roth

WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Aramaic English New Testament (AENT) translation, Wheel of Stars, and Ruach Qadim.”