The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity Revisited

In my follow up interview with my long time friend Celeste Slocum, we delve deep into one of my more popular topics: The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity. This is an updated version from the Channel 24 version I did three years ago but this time there is an unexpected twist: When the main teaching is over the live radio show is opened up for questions and that’s when the real action starts.

All of a sudden I am facing down anti-Semitism and a lot of misconceptions about our faith walk from a contingent of Roman Catholic listeners. Even Celeste was surprised at how direct these questions were and she had no idea so many Catholics were listening to her Messianic radio show. Watch what happens as I deal with some very intense challenges that literally came out of nowhere. This interview was only supposed to be an hour but it more than doubled in size with these power packed questions!

WRITTEN BY: Andrew Gabriel Roth

“Founder of One Faith One People Ministries, author of the Apostolic Writings Aramaic to English translation and Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home”