It may be the oddest, and even the most whimsical, parsha of them all. This week we begin with the plotting of Balak, King of Moab. Having assessed the might of Israel, he has concluded outright military victory against them is to o difficult, so he enlists the help of a “have prophecy will travel” consultant we call Balaam, son of Beor. The plan: Curse Israel and then conquer them. The only thing standing in the way of this multinational plot (we don’t forget the Midianites are there too) is a donkey who suddenly acquires the gift of speech, a warrior Messenger who is probably Yeshua in pre-incarnate form and, oh yeah, did I mention Father Yah is dead set against the whole enterprise? And at the end of all that, it turns out Israel still gets decimated, but not by a pagan army or an overly-ambitious prophet, but their own depravity makes them their own worst enemy.
And also this week check out the bonus calendar teaching “Jacob and the Tabernacle of the Sun”, a very deep look at the calendar secrets behind Numbers 24:17 connecting Israel to the Tabernacle and the priesthood and from there, to the cosmos of Father Yah. Not to be missed!
Of all the sacrifices given in such glorious detail in the Torah, the most powerful one of them all is also the most mysterious: the red heifer. The stakes are incredibly high and those ashes could in theory last forever and continue to provide atonement until Yeshua arrives with the final answer. This is also the parsha when the narrative skips over 38 years and the last of the generation begins to die, including Miriam and Aaron. And, even as the Korah rebellion ended in disaster for the rebels, this week they started up with problems all over again. But a new problem looms large on their horizon as a king and a prophet are about to band together to destroy the nation of Israel before it even gets a chance to start!
Of all the sacrifices given in such glorious detail in the Torah, the most powerful one of them all is also the most mysterious: the red heifer. The stakes are incredibly high and those ashes could in theory last forever and continue to provide atonement until Yeshua arrives with the final answer. This is also the parsha when the narrative skips over 38 years and the last of the generation begins to die, including Miriam and Aaron. And, even as the Korah rebellion ended in disaster for the rebels, this week they started up with problems all over again. But a new problem looms large on their horizon as a king and a prophet are about to band together to destroy the nation of Israel before it even gets a chance to start!
Of all the sacrifices given in such glorious detail in the Torah, the most powerful one of them all is also the most mysterious: the red heifer. The stakes are incredibly high and those ashes could in theory last forever and continue to provide atonement until Yeshua arrives with the final answer. This is also the parsha when the narrative skips over 38 years and the last of the generation begins to die, including Miriam and Aaron. And, even as the Korah rebellion ended in disaster for the rebels, this week they started up with problems all over again. But a new problem looms large on their horizon as a king and a prophet are about to band together to destroy the nation of Israel before it even gets a chance to start!
“Come with me if you want to live.” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” “Certainty of death! Small chance of success! Well…what are we waiting for?” These lines come from the imagination of Hollywood or what their idea of rebellions and epics look like and they all pale in comparison with this one, the greatest rebellion of them all: Korah! Explore the surprising roots of this rebellion as what starts as a family squabble threatens the fate of millions. This blockbuster has been a best seller for nearly 3,500 years.
“Come with me if you want to live.” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” “Certainty of death! Small chance of success! Well…what are we waiting for?” These lines come from the imagination of Hollywood or what their idea of rebellions and epics look like and they all pale in comparison with this one, the greatest rebellion of them all: Korah! Explore the surprising roots of this rebellion as what starts as a family squabble threatens the fate of millions. This blockbuster has been a best seller for nearly 3,500 years.
“Come with me if you want to live.” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” “Certainty of death! Small chance of success! Well…what are we waiting for?” These lines come from the imagination of Hollywood or what their idea of rebellions and epics look like and they all pale in comparison with this one, the greatest rebellion of them all: Korah! Explore the surprising roots of this rebellion as what starts as a family squabble threatens the fate of millions. This blockbuster has been a best seller for nearly 3,500 years.
It’s the rebellion before the even bigger rebellion. This week though the greatest danger to the Israelites is their own fears. They may say they fear giants and they may even believe the giants they saw are famed Nephilim, but none of that should matter because Father Yah promised to fight for them. And so it is that when the Israelties are commanded to fight they cower and when they are commanded to abstain they go up to fight and die. And yet, the greatest threat of all to Moshe’s position and his very life still looms large in their immediate future. Plus on the Scroll to Scroll program find a special bonus teaching on the long lost Zadokite priests and expanded study notes. Hear the bonus teaching separately later on video 3 and skip from video 2 to 4 for a seamless Torah to Haftorah teaching or watch them all in sequence.
It’s the rebellion before the even bigger rebellion. This week though the greatest danger to the Israelites is their own fears. They may say they fear giants and they may even believe the giants they saw are famed Nephilim, but none of that should matter because Father Yah promised to fight for them. And so it is that when the Israelties are commanded to fight they cower and when they are commanded to abstain they go up to fight and die. And yet, the greatest threat of all to Moshe’s position and his very life still looms large in their immediate future. Plus on the Scroll to Scroll program find a special bonus teaching on the long lost Zadokite priests and expanded study notes. Hear the bonus teaching separately later on video 3 and skip from video 2 to 4 for a seamless Torah to Haftorah teaching or watch them all in sequence.
Please also consider checking out the special “Clarifications” section at the start of the notes for even more details than the videos and audios have. It’s an extra long parsha and video # is a bonus! Also please left click with your mouse 1-2 times in the Notes field if the Notes are not displaying after 20 seconds. Enjoy!
Chag Sameyach! Welcome to the 2017 Shavuot Special. Explore the deep and meaningful connections with this second of three great feasts as we go from the earliest roots in Genesis literally all the way to Revelation, with many intriguing and unexpected stops in between. From calendar truths to the long reach of prophecy and from debunking long standing traditions of men to lining up the most ancient witnesses, journey with me to see our glorious past link up with our apocalyptic future as we do the Torah together!
Chag Sameyach! Welcome to the 2017 Shavuot Special. Explore the deep and meaningful connections with this second of three great feasts as we go from the earliest roots in Genesis literally all the way to Revelation, with many intriguing and unexpected stops in between. From calendar truths to the long reach of prophecy and from debunking long standing traditions of men to lining up the most ancient witnesses, journey with me to see our glorious past link up with our apocalyptic future as we do the Torah together!
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