Purim begins tonight, March 5th!

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Peter’s tomb found in Jerusalem!

In 2017 I did a teaching called “The Lost Biography of Peter” Click here to see the post and video 
which proved that St. Peter was buried on the Mount of Olives and not in Rome. Now, six years later, my friend Lawrence Zupan confirmed my findings by actually getting unprecedented access to Peter’s ossuary that reads in Aramaic “Shimon bar Yona” or “Simon son of Jonah” (see Matthew 16:17). The tomb was confirmed to be a Jewish-Christian cemetery that dated back to the time of the apostles according to the Italian archaeologists who issued their report in 1958. Zupan’s expedition to Dominus Flevit and the Church of the Flagellation brought the world’s first color photographs of this and other precious artifacts of early Christians buried there, including Martha, Mary and Lazarus. These are also the first photographs of these items taking in more than 60 years. He will actually show some of these photographs for the first time here!

But Zupan also explains some curious activities that might prove to be part of a cover up from the Roman Catholic Church, who moved Peter’s bone box from its original tomb for “restoration” and then locked it away at another church (Church of the Flagellation) that has at this moment neither restored it nor displayed it. Zupan got special favor and permission to photograph and handle the ossuary, and but for that grace given to him by sympathetic leaders in that church, we might still be unaware of the location of this precious object.

Also, as an exclusive for One Faith One People Ministries members, go deeper into this mystery with images from the original 1958 Italian expedition to Dominus Flevit, as well as the new groundbreaking photographs that Lawrence Zupan took in this PDF. Hear the truth for yourself from the man who was actually there and saw the ossuary with his own eyes!

Click this Link to Download the Essay!

Your individual 2022 Donations Letters have been emailed!

For all of you who have so generously donated to One Faith One People Ministries in 2022, thank you so very much for your support. We have emailed you, for tax purposes, a record of your contributions. If you do not see it, please check your spam folder and let us know also if there are any errors or your preferred email has changed. Thank you for blessing the work done here at One Faith One People Ministries!

2022 Hanukkah Special!

From the pages of Genesis to Revelation, no feast has more clues about its prophetic approach than Hanukkah. This so-called “optional” feast that Jews keep though it is not in Tanakh and most Christians do not keep though it is in Yochanan 10, is one important enough to Yeshua that he went 90 miles in the rain and mud to get to Jerusalem, knowing he would get in and argument and yet proclaimed to the Pharisees, “I and my Father are one.” Join the journey to see Hanukkah also foreshadowed centuries in advance by Nehemiah and others. Also, for those of you who saw part 1 of the archaeology update in “Mikkets” about the Lost Biograph of Peter, part 2 is in video 2 and is not to be missed! But that is assuming you are watching from Shabbat, but I had to put the Hanukkah Special up before Mikkets on Wednesday night while Mikkets will air Thursday night. Keep Reeding

Hanukkah Special will be up Wednesday or Thursday!

Shalom all! The 2022 Hanukkah Special will be slightly delayed, as I am compelled to work on the weekly parsha of Mikkets first. All will be up and available late Thursday night to early Friday morning, Eastern US time.

Yom Kippur Home Service Guide

Shalom everyone! For those of you who are having trouble locating a local assembly for Yom Kippur, I have put together a Home Service Guide so that you can conduct a small gathering on your own. I hope you will find it helpful. Take care and have a great Fast!

Click this Link to Download the 2022 Yom Kippur Home Service Guide!

Seasons of Hope (Moedim)–A Special Channel 24 Teaching!

In this third and final installment of teachings I did at Channel 24, we finally get to the Feasts of YHWH and why all Biblical believers–including Christians–need to join us for this joyous time. Here you will find basic but important descriptions of all the major feasts of the year. Enjoy!

Lshana tova everyone, from our family to yours!

Jaye and I wanted to thank all of you for your support throughout this year and we wish all of you a wonderful Yom Teruah as the opening of an amazing season of favor as we go through all the fall feasts of Father Yah. May He bless and keep you all, be gracious to you, lift up HIs countenance to you and give you SHALOM!

Remember! We recycle back to Genesis 1 on October 20th!

At that time we are also switching over from the Keter Crown Bible to the Living Torah by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan.

The 2023 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Some amazing rare and special events make 2023 a year to remember! Enjoy!

Click this Link to Download the 2023 Eternal Torah Calendar!

Our new book is now available!

THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN! The Kingdom is Near…The Message is Clear…The Time is Now!
Man has hijacked the original biblical faith of the Messiah and his Apostles, and the true Judeo-Christian history behind it, separating us from our Creator.
Dive into this living, breathing faith-based history which confronts our prejudices and bad misconceptions that have developed over centuries of doctrinal controversies, spiritual conflicts and bad politics masquerading as faith, keeping us from the Scripture’s pure message and vision.

This book is not a clinical or academic historical exercise but a refreshing return to original Bible teachings and message, including the surprising facts that some of the Early Church Fathers knew the Name of God Almighty and kept Passover and all the Feasts in the Scripture. Over the centuries, wars, politics and powerful forces of deception have conspired against the single faith vision at the Last Supper creating more than 41,000 sects and denominations of Christianity today.

But now that the truth has returned, nothing will ever be the same again.

We take a bold and unflinching look at how the great “bait and switch” happened; from Walking with the Almighty to walking with man. Retrace the faith journey, from Abraham the Hebrew, to his descendants the Jewish people and onwards to the Christians over the ages—all whom have been blessed by God Almighty but have also strayed and sinned against Him. Nevertheless God, in His infinite mercy, has provided a way for us to return to Him, and each other, in a worldwide community of faith, by rediscovering our spiritual DNA.

Nearly 2,000 years ago, the Apostle Paul warned us about the strong delusion, that the faithful will believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11), perverting the Gospel and preaching a false Jesus with a different spirit (2 Corinthians 11:4). Now in our time, this is happening before our very eyes, and the entire Christian world is blind to it!
What lessons from going astray can we still learn to guide our path back to Him? And, most importantly, has the time finally come to take a stand for the truth of the original Gospel as it was before the later Judeo-Christian traditions emerged from synagogue and church?

Join us on a truly global and millennia-spanning journey as the Scriptures and wider history reveal how God has left a remnant to return us from exile. From the earliest primordial moments in Genesis to the deep prophetic trends guiding us today, see how we got to where we are now and how we can come home to prepare for the Second Coming of the Messiah!

2022 Shavuot Special!

Welcome to the 2022 Shavuot Special! Explore the deep connection of this very special Great Feasts, with the giving of the Ten Commandments and the stunning events in Acts 2. Also find out which famous miracle of Yeshua has a special connection to Shavuot that most folks don’t even know about. Enjoy! Keep Reeding