2019 Shavuot Special!

From foreshadowing from the early days of the patriarchs to prophetic and apocalyptic warnings about our future, Shavuot has been linked to so many critical events. From the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai to spectacular outpouring of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in Acts 2 and beyond, Shavuot has roots in it all. Sort through the political and religious spin, explore ancient controversies to find the truth. It’s all here so enjoy! Keep Reeding

The 2019 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Here is the 2019 Eternal Torah Calendar with detailed information on Feasts and scheduled parshas. Enjoy!

[pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/x54l3yrwjd91qvi/2019-Eternal%20Torah%20Calendar.pdf?dl=0 ]

Dead Sea Scrolls “Secret Calendar” Update

While this amazing discovery is also part of our Notes for this week’s parsha of Be’shallach, I also wanted to feature this article here as well. In this fascinating article, leading Dead Sea Scrolls scholars go over more evidence about the original Torah based calendar that preceded the rabbinic calendar. But there are also details we will review together about how the shadowy group of Essenes diverged from the correct timing and how a fragmented and in accurate version of what was a priestly system before it got corrupted in extrabiblical literature like 1 Enoch and Jubilees. Where did they go wrong that the Dead Sea Scrolls did better, and where did truth leave calendar processes altogether due to bad spiritual politics? Find out! Keep Reeding