2017 Yom Kippur Special (Audio Portion)

Welcome to the 2017 Yom Kippur Special, where we see the roots and ramifications of the Day of Atonement literally from Genesis to Revelation. See the strong foreshadowing of this special day all the way back to Noah, and also how Yom Kippur stamps its template of repentance throughout the entirety of the Renewed Covenant Scriptures. There’s a lot more going on than just fasting!

2017 Yom Kippur Special–have an easy fast!

Welcome to the 2017 Yom Kippur Special, where we see the roots and ramifications of the Day of Atonement literally from Genesis to Revelation. See the strong foreshadowing of this special day all the way back to Noah, and also how Yom Kippur stamps its template of repentance throughout the entirety of the Renewed Covenant Scriptures. There’s a lot more going on than just fasting!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Please Note:To download the Notes, go to the top right of the image of them and select the downward arrow (that’s the download icon), the second of three choices on the right hand side. To download the audio mp3 file, click the same downward arrow icon to the right of the audio player and it should begin processing within about ten seconds. Let me know if there are any questions and thank you! Andrew

2017 Yom Teruah Special!

Chag Sameyach and welcome to the Fall Feasts! Join me and explore the deep connections between the Yom Teruah feast of the Torah, what Jews today call Rosh Hashannah and the marvelous Scriptures and traditions that bind them all together as we literally go from Genesis to Revelation and consider how Yom Teruah may relate even to Y’shua’s return! Enjoy and may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

The 2018 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

It’s finally here–the 2018 Eternal Torah Calendar–where you will find the latest updates in my ongoing Biblical calendar research and perfectly accurate mechanisms for determining the Feasts with absolute precision from absolute and certain Torah based principles. Also find out about the Hebrew Solar Year with the seasonal timings straight out of Scripture! Enjoy!

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Special Bonus: A Star Shall Come out of Jacob

Explore the majesty and mystery of some of the deepest calendar secrets to date–all based on Numbers 24:17. See the universe as depicted in the Tabernacle, the clothes of the High Priest and even the Ark of the Covenant! This special deep look inside cosmic timekeeping embedded in the Scripture is not to be missed!

2017 Shavuot Special!

Chag Sameyach! Welcome to the 2017 Shavuot Special. Explore the deep and meaningful connections with this second of three great feasts as we go from the earliest roots in Genesis literally all the way to Revelation, with many intriguing and unexpected stops in between. From calendar truths to the long reach of prophecy and from debunking long standing traditions of men to lining up the most ancient witnesses, journey with me to see our glorious past link up with our apocalyptic future as we do the Torah together!

Please Note: If you are having problems printing the notes, go to the image of the notes in the upper right corner and select “pop out”. It will take you to a separate page and you can select the printer icon to print. Thank you!

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Lost Biography of Peter!

A fresh investigation into how the great Apostle Peter really ended his days–and the archaeology clearly says it was NOT in Rome either as her first Pope or being crucified upside down. Learn the fascinating truth from the actual Jerusalem tomb inscriptions and see how the early Church Fathers covered it up. Not to be missed!

I also taught this on the road earlier this year but it didn’t get recorded due to an equipment glitch. However, I had done this version as a kind of working test quite some time earlier, so here is that version for your review. Enjoy!

Chag Sameyach Everyone! 2017 Pesach Special

Close-Up of Traditional Jewish Food

Chag samyeach and welcome to the 2017 Pesach Special–the most robust sand detailed Feast teaching yet! In addition to going deep into the details of Pesach with all the relevant Torah, Haftorah and NT readings for the entire 8-day feast, we have extended bonus teachings that explore some incredible and fascinating topics that I believe you will not find quite this way anywhere else. The Nature of Mashiyach, Part 1 and 2, use the Tanakh to answer some of the most elusive questions about how Mashiyach died for our sins and what was his nature. We will se how the church drifted away by lessening Tanakh’s authority and how that caused them to struggle over some of the most fundamental questions about Y’shua and Godhead for many centuries. Then in our next series, The Eight Verses That Changed the World, we will resolve many alleged discrepancies in the NT as 8 lines are carefully analyzed and retranslated from both Greek and Aramaic. We will also explore how scholars lost sight of the some of the unique features of “Jewish Greek” and how that creates confusion even down to the present, while the Aramaic comes alive with fresh clarity and precision as never before. Spend the time and go deep through the next 8 days. I believe you will find it a journey most worth taking!

Keep Reeding

Chag Sameyach! 2017 Purim Special!

Chag Sameyach! Welcome to the first of five Feast teachings for 2017. Purim is a truly amazing feast with some deep and surprising roots and ramifications. Our journey this year begins with giving precise dates for the actual event and then showcases roots and far back as Genesis and as far forwards as two places in the NT where Y’shua himself most likely kept this feast. Decipher the clues and see the Scripture in a brand new way as we explore why the book of Esther is not in the Dead Sea Scrolls, track down Esther, Mordechai and their immediate family from real Persian records from the actual time, and how one of the most famous battles ever fought in the ancient world gives us a missing chapter to this feast and fills in so much more than you might expect. Let me show you…and let us rejoice together!

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Bonus Teaching: Return to Calendar Basics

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Bonus Teaching: What Happens When We Die?

My Name is Yahweh (Parody of “I Want It That Way”