Torah 101

We often call our study process “walking” through Torah, because it is a wonderful journey that takes time and consistent effort, but it always bears great spiritual fruits for those who wish to understand the Scripture.
But not everyone wishes to go about this in the “total immersion” style of Scroll to Scroll, or they are on the go and need a shorter, more basic teaching. If that describes you, then you need “Torah 101”—the concise yet thought provoking journey through each week’s Scripture teachings. In less than half the time of the regular program, Andrew will distill the essence of the actual Torah portion down to its core message and walk you through the same majestic beauty and intricacies between both parts of our Bible.
See the Torah, Prophets and the New Testament interconnect in a way you never saw before, and all in under an hour, to enable your “walk” in Scripture to deepen each week!
- Torah 101-Metzora April 26, 2018
It’s just a skin disease; a medical condition like any other. Or is it? Even the sages cannot decide this …
- Torah 101-Tazria April 19, 2018
Tazria. One chapter gives us intimate details about what Messiah’s earthly parents will go through bringing him into the world. …
- Torah 101-Shemini April 13, 2018
It’s five priests for more than 2 million Israelites. That is, until it’s down to only three because Nadav and …
- Torah101-Tzav April 5, 2018
Welcome to the ordination of the priests, where one mistake can cost you your life and put a nation of …
- Torah 101-Vayikra March 22, 2018
As the third book of Moshe opens, we are right back where we were at the end of Exodus. The …
- Torah 101-Pekudei March 15, 2018
Now the book of Exodus (Shemot) wraps up with some of its most amazing secrets, but they don’t reveal themselves …
- Torah 101-Vayakhel March 9, 2018
They are the most mysterious and most fascinating objects ever built by the hand of man, and three and a …
- Torah 101 will return next week with “Vayachel”! March 1, 2018
Torah 101 will return next week with “Vayachel”!
- Torah 101-Tetzaveh February 22, 2018
They say the best secrets are the ones that hide in plain sight. The ones in this parsha are no …
- Torah 101-Terumah February 15, 2018
It is literally the blueprint of the Universe itself. This is the parsha where we are told repeatedly “See that …