Chag Sameyach! From early hints in Genesis linked to Jacob to some of the last parts of Revelation, so Feast has the range and depth of Sukkot. Enjoy this second of two in-depth feast teachings, this one covering more on the special Shabbat during the Feast and the last two special days of the Feast along with the last parsha of the year, Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah. For those looking for a taste of what heaven or the Millennial Kingdom is to be like, look no further than Sukkot. May you all rejoice before YHWH greatly during this Set-Apart time! Keep Reeding
From clues deeply embedded in Noah’s Flood, to some of the most powerful teachings Yeshua the Messiah ever gave and all the way to the ultimate apocalyptic imagery in the Book of Revelation, Yom Kippur is the most sacred day of them all and it lays at the heart of the Scripture itself. Put simply, it doesn’t get more critical than this moment!
Extra Special Bonus: 2021 Yom Kippur Home Service Guide!
Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! Enjoy! Keep Reeding
Chag Sameyach and welcome to the start of our wonderful fall feast season! We kick off this very special month of Tishri with Yom Teruah, the day of shofar blasting, the seventh new moon of the year and a day that may actually point to the Second Coming of the Messiah. Explore the connections between that and the rabbinic Rosh Hashanna, from from the creation of Adam in Genesis to the deepest patterns of Revelation, Yom Teruah covers it all! Enjoy! Keep Reeding
In my follow up interview with my long time friend Celeste Slocum, we delve deep into one of my more popular topics: The Jewish Messiah: Function and Identity. This is an updated version from the Channel 24 version I did three years ago but this time there is an unexpected twist: When the main teaching is over the live radio show is opened up for questions and that’s when the real action starts.
All of a sudden I am facing down anti-Semitism and a lot of misconceptions about our faith walk from a contingent of Roman Catholic listeners. Even Celeste was surprised at how direct these questions were and she had no idea so many Catholics were listening to her Messianic radio show. Watch what happens as I deal with some very intense challenges that literally came out of nowhere. This interview was only supposed to be an hour but it more than doubled in size with these power packed questions! Keep Reeding
It’s that time of year again, this special interval between the end of the spring feasts but before the fall feasts when many folks begin making plans for next year. To help, here is the 2022 Eternal Torah Calendar, with detailed explanations and comparisons to the Rabbinic Calendar as well. May it truly be a blessing for all of you! Enjoy!
In this second interview about our new book “Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home,” I am interviewed by Celeste Solum of the popular podcast “Celestial Wonders.” This far-reaching discussion goes very deep into the historical and theological trends that underlay the long gestation, research and completion of KFG. Celeste is gentle but very thorough and knowledgeable about Nazarene Judaism and Hebrew Roots history, development and practice. The result is a discussion that is as uplifting as it is comprehensive. Enjoy!
From the fire of Sinai to the heart of Revelation, Shavuot is a truly Great Feast that encompasses all that is kosher and beautiful in our Covenant with Elohim. Explore the deep connections from special events in Genesis to how it became a “double harvest” of blessings for Moshe and Israel and how it truly relates to the miracles of Acts 2. Some of the answers will be comforting and confirming while others will be surprising and exciting as much of the majesty of Shavuot awaits in our deep prophetic future. Enjoy!
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This was an interview I did with Todd Cleppe of Rivers of Living Waters Ministry, for a radio show that is broadcast in several states. This interview was also filmed via Zoom and does a really great job of covering the main points from our new book “Kidnapped from God: The Call to Come Home.” Click either link below to go straight to the video. Enjoy!
From deep associations with Noah’s Flood, Abraham and Lot to its observance in Israel waxing and waning for centuries on end, no Great Feast has quite the range and biblical impact as Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread and for Moshe personally, no other feast is more inextricably tied to his own triumphs and tragedies as he struggles to lead his people out of Egypt. While wicked rulers tried to make it extinct, it continuously is established a re-established by David, Hezekiah, Josiah and Nehemiah, all before being given the ultimate significance as the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah. Explore some of the deep associations and hidden aspects of this critical occasion, as we go behind the scenes throughout the sweep of the biblical period and into our prophetic future through the great and essential key that is Pesach. Enjoy!
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In a special exclusive just for One Faith One People Ministries friends and members, this is the only place to the get the full story of my ongoing quest to retrieve Aramaic Gospels written in 78 CE from the Vatican Library. This story is completely updated, including the most recent correspondence between myself and the staff at the Vatican Library. Enter the mystery and follow the clues in this nearly 2 hour exploration into real history and spiritual politics. This is the only place to get the full story of what I have told only in shorter versions before. This is not Hollywood and it’s not Dan Brown either. It’s a real life adventure in quest of what will be the most important discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls…and it’s all true!
Compare this to the “public version” that comes in at 28 minutes!
Still in a hurry? Read this brief scholarly essay complete with maps and a bibliography.
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Or, take a wider view and see how to separate history from legend in Syriac religious literature.
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“The extraordinary richness of the Vatican manuscript collections – Latin, Greek and Oriental – make it one of the world’s outstanding libraries in terms of the quantity and the quality of the manuscripts preserved there, which range from papyrus codices of the Gospels and of other New Testament writings, transcribed only a few decades after they were composed, to late antique manuscripts of Vergil and Terence.” – Official statement from the Vatican Library,
From the mysterious feast that never happens in Exodus and waits a thousand years for the times to catch up with it, to an amazing untold international story surrounding it to the mysterious identification of the “Feast of the Jews” in Yochanan 5, Purim is a special celebration like none other. Welcome to the start of our precious and beautiful feast season!
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