Scroll to Scroll

Welcome to Scroll to Scroll, Torah portions with Andrew Gabriel Roth. Here you’ll find a list of our Torah portion teachings. We hope you enjoy.


Torah Portions

The Scroll to Scroll weekly Torah program is a 2 hour in-depth yet entertaining tour into the full breadth of the Scriptures. Every week, we give you the historical and linguistic tools you need to go deeper into weekly portion, otherwise known as “the parsha”.
In Part 1, we take you into the heart of the Torah portion by reading in English and teaching the in-depth and multi-layered Hebrew readings that permeate the Set-Apart original text. There is also considerable attention given to wider historical sources to substantiate and clarify the text as many long standing controversies and a few popular misconceptions are dealt with in proper chronological order. The first video then closes with an extensive vocabulary and linguistic discussion designed to bring you into the heart of how Torah has been discussed for thousands of years.

Part 2 then picks up with the Haftorah, or selected readings from the great prophets of old such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, among many others, to show the careful way in which the original Torah message was discussed and analyzed throughout the entire Biblical period. That discussion then continues of course into the scheduled New Testament portion, where the words of our Savior Y’shua are put back into their first century original Hebraic context, both from Y’shua’s 1st century Hebrew culture and his native Aramaic language, and we close with the weekly “sermon” or “Torah Thought for the Week” to bring this Set-Apart and ancient text back to our modern needs, yearnings to shed light on critical spiritual matters affecting all of us today.

It’s a tour through the Scripture unlike any other on the web so I hope you will join us!

  • Vayetze November 30, 2022

    Vayetze means “and he departed” the “he” being Jacob heading towards Haran. At Haran Jacob has his famous vision of the heavenly ladder before proceeding to dwell with his uncle Laban. This of course sets up the struggle with Jacob wanting Rachel but being forced to marry Leah first and …

  • Toldot November 23, 2022

    Toldot means “generations” or “family records,” referring to the lineage of Isaac. The troubled sibling rivalry of Jacob and Esau is the focus here. Jacob will eventually steal Esau’s birthright and blessing before running away. But as crafty as Jacob is he will find his uncle Laban even more deceitful …

  • Chayei Sarah November 17, 2022

    Chayei Sarah means “life of Sarah” but ironically it begins with her death! The full meaning actually is “the Life of Sarah WAS.” In the wake of her death, Abraham must find an appropriate place to bury his wife. Ephron the Hittite first offers some land to Abraham for free, …

  • Vayera November 10, 2022

    Vayera means “and appeared,” referencing Abba YHWH, appearing to Abraham with two other messengers. The trio brings news that Abraham and Sarah will have a son. Sarah, not believing Abba YHWH, laughs at hearing the pronouncement and then denies she laughed. This is one reason they call their son Yitzchak, …

  • Lech Lecha November 3, 2022

    Lech Lecha means “get yourself out.” It concerns the command Abba YHWH gives Abram to into Canaan and has a lot of great “action” surrounding that main theme. First, move Abram has a bit of an adventure in Egypt when his wife acquired by Pharaoh because Abram said she was …

  • Noach October 27, 2022

    Noach refers to Noah, a righteous man whose name means “comfort” or “peace.” Abba YHWH tells Noah He is about to flood all of humanity out of existence except for himself, his wife, their three sons and three daughters in law. After the Flood, humanity tries to start over but …

  • Bereshit October 19, 2022

    Bereshit means “in the beginning.” We start with the six days of creation with Abba YHWH resting on the Shabbat day and creating Adam and Eve. After their expulsion from paradise, Adam and Eve have two sons, Cain and Abel and the former kills the latter. Afterwards, Cain flees Abba …

  • 2022 Sukkot Special! October 13, 20222022 Sukkot Special!

    Welcome to the Feast that is so enormous it is significantly foreshadowed in Genesis, given separate but inter-related titles in Exodus, stamps its force of personality throughout the Hebrew Bible and takes up more than 2 large chapters in the Gospel of Yochanan with even more allusions in Revelation. This …

  • Ha’azinu October 6, 2022

    Ha’azinu means “give your ears” or “listen.” It is the opening stanza of Moshe’s last song that he spoke of at the end of the previous portion. Although the language is poetic, the graphic imagery is meant for easy remembrance and its warnings are definitely LITERAL. There is no other …

  • 2022 Yom Kippur Special! October 2, 2022

    From hints embedded in Noah’s Flood to the most terrifying images in Revelation, Yom Kippur is a Set-apart time that impresses itself all over the Scripture. Enjoy and have a great fast!

    Click Link to View and Download the Notes!

Torah 101

We often call our study process “walking” through Torah, because it is a wonderful journey that takes time and consistent effort, but it always bears great spiritual fruits for those who wish to understand the Scripture.
But not everyone wishes to go about this in the “total immersion” style of Scroll to Scroll, or they are on the go and need a shorter, more basic teaching. If that describes you, then you need “Torah 101”—the concise yet thought provoking journey through each week’s Scripture teachings. In less than half the time of the regular program, Andrew will distill the essence of the actual Torah portion down to its core message and walk you through the same majestic beauty and intricacies between both parts of our Bible. See the Torah, Prophets and the New Testament interconnect in a way you never saw before, and all in under an hour, to enable your “walk” in Scripture to deepen each week!

  • Torah 101-Lech Lecha October 6, 2016Torah 101-Lech Lecha

    Abraham: First Action Hero! This is the parsha where the first patriarch takes center stage. Need a man to humble a Pharaoh into righteousness? Call Abraham! How about a skilled negotiator to keep families from going to war? Call Abraham! Or maybe you need a skilled prophet to predict thousands …

  • Torah 101-Noach September 29, 2016Torah 101-Noach

    In a world where phrases like “disasters of Biblical proportions” have become cliche’, the real deal doesn’t get any bigger than this global flood. But this “titanic” parsha is far more than a disaster tale. It actually contains deep insights, astronomical calendar codes more advanced than anything used today and …

  • Torah 101 will return after Feast season (September 28th!) August 25, 2016

    Please see the Scroll to Scroll program for parshas Nitzvaim, Vayelech, Ha’azinu Ve-Zot Ha-Barachah and Bereshit. 2016 Fall Feast Schedule is as follows:
    Friday, August 26th: Nitzvaim Torah Portion
    Wednesday, August 31st: Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanna Special (Feast: 9/1- 9/2). High Shabbat, no work allowed.
    Thursday, September 1st: Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanna begins at sunset. …

  • Torah 101-Ki Tavo August 18, 2016Torah 101-Ki Tavo

    Finalizing the Covenant…now the full weight of Israel’s responsibilities to Father Yah–the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience–is laid out in graphic detail. Promises are made and oaths are given in the name of the Torah, and these are literally a matter of life and death.

    Please Note To …

  • Torah 101-Ki Teze August 12, 2016Torah 101-Ki Teze


    This week we show more than three dozen amazing parallels between Moshe and Y’shua! No doubt you know some of them, but I think quite a few may prove very surprising! We also have a special update on a book that I have been writing that I am eager to …

  • Torah 101-Shofetim August 5, 2016Torah 101-Shofetim


    It’s “Judgment Day” Torah style, where Moshe guides Israel in setting up the last of the infrastructure of elder judges. Although first outlined by Jethro 40 years earlier in Exodus 18, it is in this part of Deuteronomy where the actual courts are finally planned for the way they will …

  • Torah 101-Re’eh July 28, 2016Torah 101-Re'eh

    It’s time for Moshe to lay it on the line with this new generation. Passionately and methodically, the man of Elohim lays out the “nitty gritty” of the contract between Israel and Father Yah, with amazing blessings for obedience and horrific curses for disobedience. The lives of 2 million people …

  • Torah 101-Ekev July 22, 2016Torah 101-Ekev

    Please Note For some reason the Vimeo videos recorded at a lower volume than my video files on my computer. I have been able to also post to Youtube and the volume playback is better, as are the AUDIO files. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I am confident one …

  • Torah 101-Vaetchanan July 15, 2016Torah 101-Vaetchanan

    Moshe makes his case! In this parsha we see Moshe deliver the most critical aspects of his message–the foundational Ten Commandments are given once more and one of the oldest prayers in the world, the Shema, is said for the first time. And yet, as great as these events are, …

  • Torah 101-Balak June 15, 2016Torah 101-Balak


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    In a tale that is equal parts comic and tragic, a gifted prophet of YHWH learns a very hard lesson about how righteousness is a critical component of properly using the prophetic gift! It turns out his own donkey has more spiritual understanding than he does!


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