Scroll to Scroll

Welcome to Scroll to Scroll, Torah portions with Andrew Gabriel Roth. Here you’ll find a list of our Torah portion teachings. We hope you enjoy.


Torah Portions

The Scroll to Scroll weekly Torah program is a 2 hour in-depth yet entertaining tour into the full breadth of the Scriptures. Every week, we give you the historical and linguistic tools you need to go deeper into weekly portion, otherwise known as “the parsha”.
In Part 1, we take you into the heart of the Torah portion by reading in English and teaching the in-depth and multi-layered Hebrew readings that permeate the Set-Apart original text. There is also considerable attention given to wider historical sources to substantiate and clarify the text as many long standing controversies and a few popular misconceptions are dealt with in proper chronological order. The first video then closes with an extensive vocabulary and linguistic discussion designed to bring you into the heart of how Torah has been discussed for thousands of years.

Part 2 then picks up with the Haftorah, or selected readings from the great prophets of old such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, among many others, to show the careful way in which the original Torah message was discussed and analyzed throughout the entire Biblical period. That discussion then continues of course into the scheduled New Testament portion, where the words of our Savior Y’shua are put back into their first century original Hebraic context, both from Y’shua’s 1st century Hebrew culture and his native Aramaic language, and we close with the weekly “sermon” or “Torah Thought for the Week” to bring this Set-Apart and ancient text back to our modern needs, yearnings to shed light on critical spiritual matters affecting all of us today.

It’s a tour through the Scripture unlike any other on the web so I hope you will join us!

  • Ekev July 23, 2024

    “Ekev” means “because” or “if only.” Following the theme of last week’s parsha of Va’etchanan, Moshe continues his urgent pleas to this current generation to realize that they are honor-bound to continue in the covenant originally granted to their fathers and that they, in a limited sense, share blame with …

  • Va’etchanan July 16, 2024

    Va’etchanan means “and I pleaded” or “and I asked for favor/mercy.” This is Moshe pleading with Abba YHWH one last time to ask to be allowed to enter into the Promised Land. Abba YHWH though utterly refuses and says, “Speak to Me no more on this matter”! After an extensive …

  • Devarim July 9, 2024

    Devarim means “the words” and as the book opens we enter the last day of Moshe’s life. Moshe begins the book by recapping the details of the last 40 years. The portion ends with Moshe reminding Israel of the times that Abba YHWH fought for them. Now that the evil …

  • Mattot-Masei July 2, 2024

    Mattot means “the tribes,” but also has very interesting secondary meanings of “staff, scepter, rod, branch,” all of which seem relevant here. The portion opens with a discussion on the need to fulfill valid oaths to Abba YHWH to the letter-valid meaning that the oath is not contradictory to Abba …

  • Pinchas June 25, 2024

    Pinchas refers to the man whose righteous example of purging evil from Israel’s ranks moved Abba YHWH to stop a plague that would have otherwise destroyed all Israel. More than that, the portion starts with Pinchas getting a particularly high honor from Abba YHWH, the covenant of peace that rests …

  • Balak June 18, 2024

    Balak refers to the man, Balak of Zippor, who was the king of Moab and a resolute enemy of Israel. When Balak then hears of a man named Balaam who can predict the future and cast curses, he hires him to curse Israel. However, Balaam can truly hear Abba YHWH’s …

  • Chukkat June 12, 2024

    Chukkat” means “statute” and the portion opens with the requirements of the famous red heifer, that perfect red young cow that is so sacred, nothing else will do to inaugurate the entire sacrificial infrastructure. Not surprisingly then, the requirements for finding and then preparing for such a massively important sacrifice …

  • Korach June 5, 2024

    “Korach” refers to the man of the same name who was responsible for mounting a rebellion against Moshe. There are many unique aspects to this act of rebellion, such as it being led by a Levite and a confederation of other leaders, and that Moshe and Aaron are on the …

  • Shelach Lecha May 29, 2024

    “Shelach Lecha” means “send out for yourself,” referring to the spies that Moshe will send into Canaan to do a little “reconnaissance” on the strategic strengths of the various peoples living in Canaan. When the spies let their fear get the better of them and bring back an evil report, …

  • Behalotekha May 22, 2024

    “BeHalotekha” means “when you elevate” as in “when you lift up the lamps.” Aaron is commanded to light the lamps of the menorah and the tribe of Levi is commanded to serve the sanctuary. This is also when the institution of the 2nd Pesach is established and when the …

Torah 101

We often call our study process “walking” through Torah, because it is a wonderful journey that takes time and consistent effort, but it always bears great spiritual fruits for those who wish to understand the Scripture.
But not everyone wishes to go about this in the “total immersion” style of Scroll to Scroll, or they are on the go and need a shorter, more basic teaching. If that describes you, then you need “Torah 101”—the concise yet thought provoking journey through each week’s Scripture teachings. In less than half the time of the regular program, Andrew will distill the essence of the actual Torah portion down to its core message and walk you through the same majestic beauty and intricacies between both parts of our Bible. See the Torah, Prophets and the New Testament interconnect in a way you never saw before, and all in under an hour, to enable your “walk” in Scripture to deepen each week!

  • Ki Tissa (Audio Portion) March 8, 2023

    “Ki-Tissa” means “when you take,” referring to what Israel is to do when it takes a census of all the people. Most censuses in the ancient world are used for the purposes of taxation. This census is no different, except the “tax” is not for an emperor, but for YHWH’s …

  • Enjoy the Torah 101 archive for the parsha “on the go” or just watch the first two videos of the new series, starting with Bereshit 2018 September 5, 2018

    Enjoy the Torah 101 archive for the parsha “on the go” or just watch the first two videos of the new series, starting with Bereshit 2018

  • Torah 101-Ki-Tavo August 30, 2018Torah 101-Ki-Tavo

    I can sum up this amazing parsha in just three words: Blessings and curses. (The rest is commentary and a few surprises!) Enjoy.

  • Torah 101 will return next week with “Ki Tavo”! August 23, 2018

    Torah 101 will return next week with “Ki Tavo”!

  • Torah 101-Shoftim August 16, 2018Torah 101-Shoftim

    It’s one thing to be resigned to the fact that you are about to die mere moments after you finish a few speeches, but it is quite another to talk about and graphically describe all the mechanisms and infrastructure that are about to replace you. This is what Moshe does …

  • Torah 101-Re’eh August 9, 2018Torah 101-Re'eh

    This week Moshe brings clarity on a whole variety of legal and moral issues. Some of these include: What if a prophet tells Israel to follow pagan gods and the miracle he predicts comes true? Why does Israel have to go to total war sometimes killing every living thing in …

  • Torah 101-Ekev August 2, 2018Torah 101-Ekev

    As Moshe gets into the second of his three final addresses for Israel, he tasks this current generation more intensively than ever to not make the same mistakes their fathers made and rise to heights their fathers never could, as they will enter the land and prosper “if only” they …

  • Torah 101-Va’etchanan July 26, 2018Torah 101-Va'etchanan

    Now that Moshe has offered his introduction, it’s time to get into the heart of his overall message. This parsha of Va’etchanan gives us so many foundational aspects that go the core of his farewell address. There is an extensive refutation of idolatry that weaves its way throughout the entire …

  • Torah 101-Devarim July 19, 2018Torah 101-Devarim

    It’s the beginning of the end for Moshe as Israel faces an uncertain future with Joshua. The first of three farewell speeches begins this week, and by the end of this very day Moshe will die. It’s one last chance to Israel to finally get the message or perish in …

  • Torah 101 will return next week with “Devarim”! July 12, 2018

    However, as a special bonus, you might want to check out the brand new video teaching i did at Channel 24, a local Christian TV station. Just go to the home page and look at the FEATURED section on the upper left corner. Enjoy and we will see you …