Scroll to Scroll
Welcome to Scroll to Scroll, Torah portions with Andrew Gabriel Roth. Here you’ll find a list of our Torah portion teachings. We hope you enjoy.
Torah Portions
The Scroll to Scroll weekly Torah program is a 2 hour in-depth yet entertaining tour into the full breadth of the Scriptures. Every week, we give you the historical and linguistic tools you need to go deeper into weekly portion, otherwise known as “the parsha”.
In Part 1, we take you into the heart of the Torah portion by reading in English and teaching the in-depth and multi-layered Hebrew readings that permeate the Set-Apart original text. There is also considerable attention given to wider historical sources to substantiate and clarify the text as many long standing controversies and a few popular misconceptions are dealt with in proper chronological order. The first video then closes with an extensive vocabulary and linguistic discussion designed to bring you into the heart of how Torah has been discussed for thousands of years.
Part 2 then picks up with the Haftorah, or selected readings from the great prophets of old such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, among many others, to show the careful way in which the original Torah message was discussed and analyzed throughout the entire Biblical period. That discussion then continues of course into the scheduled New Testament portion, where the words of our Savior Y’shua are put back into their first century original Hebraic context, both from Y’shua’s 1st century Hebrew culture and his native Aramaic language, and we close with the weekly “sermon” or “Torah Thought for the Week” to bring this Set-Apart and ancient text back to our modern needs, yearnings to shed light on critical spiritual matters affecting all of us today.
It’s a tour through the Scripture unlike any other on the web so I hope you will join us!
- Tetzaveh February 20, 2024
“Tetzaveh” means “you will charge/command,” which opens with requirements for worship that are so important that failure to comply is simply not an option. If these needs are not met, nothing good will ever come about from that nation of Israel. We then get a lot of details about the …
- Terumah February 13, 2024
Terumah means “the contributions” concerns a list of the offerings Israel gives to help build the Tabernacle in the wilderness as well as detailed instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant and other “divine furniture.”
Click this Link to Download the Notes!
- Mishpatim February 6, 2024
“The Judgments” concerns a list of rules and regulations that Abba YHWH is giving to Israel. They involve practical examples from the root commands given at Sinai. However, there is much more going on here than a mere laundry list of obligations. Sandwiched between these rules are some of the …
- Yitro January 31, 2024
It is very significant that this parsha is named “Jethro” and not “The Ten Words” or Commandments that it contains. In a sense the advice that Jethro gives Moshe is just as important as the Ten Commandments because it shows YHWH’s plan. First Moshe needs to keep himself from getting …
- Be’shalach January 23, 2024
“Be’shalach” means “let go,” and the portion begins with Pharaoh regretting his decision to free the Hebrews, so he musters his chariots in an attempt to bring them all back. Instead however Abba YHWH parts the waters of the Reed Sea and destroys Pharaoh’s army. But even as Israel rejoices, …
- Bo January 16, 2024
“Bo” means “go,” and that’s exactly what the Israelites do! After the last three plagues of locusts, darkness and killing the first born of Egypt do their damage, Pharaoh at last relents and lets Israel go. In the stunning aftermath of these events, the Pesach meal is instituted as an …
- Va’Era January 11, 2024
Va’Era means “and I appeared,” as in Abba YHWH explaining that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and this thought of course follows from His introduction in Shemot that Moshe is a descendant of these people, “I am the El of your fathers…” After the initial “Bricks Without Straw” …
- Shemot January 4, 2024
Shemot means “the names,” and it is almost impossible to do justice in a few lines to such a majestic portion. We begin with the set-up of “the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph” and who therefore enslaves the Israelites (probably Ahmose I). Despite an edict to kill all Hebrew …
- Vayechi December 27, 2023
Vayechi means “and he lived,” referring to the 17 years Ya’akov would spend in Egypt before dying. The portion begins with Jacob making final arrangements to be buried in Canaan once he dies. Ironically, the portion ends with Joseph making those same arrangements but deferring final relocation until the Exodus. …
- Vayigash December 19, 2023
Vayigash means “and he approached,” referring to Judah approaching Joseph and pleading with him to return Benjamin. After this plea Joseph reveals his true identity and begins reconciling with his brothers. The portion ends with Joseph sending his brothers to fetch Jacob into Egypt and setting up the main foundation …
Torah 101
We often call our study process “walking” through Torah, because it is a wonderful journey that takes time and consistent effort, but it always bears great spiritual fruits for those who wish to understand the Scripture.
But not everyone wishes to go about this in the “total immersion” style of Scroll to Scroll, or they are on the go and need a shorter, more basic teaching. If that describes you, then you need “Torah 101”—the concise yet thought provoking journey through each week’s Scripture teachings. In less than half the time of the regular program, Andrew will distill the essence of the actual Torah portion down to its core message and walk you through the same majestic beauty and intricacies between both parts of our Bible. See the Torah, Prophets and the New Testament interconnect in a way you never saw before, and all in under an hour, to enable your “walk” in Scripture to deepen each week!
- Torah 101-Chukkat June 22, 2017
Of all the sacrifices given in such glorious detail in the Torah, the most powerful one of them all is also the most mysterious: the red heifer. The stakes are incredibly high and those ashes could in theory last forever and continue to provide atonement until Yeshua arrives with the …
- Korah (Torah 101) June 16, 2017
“Come with me if you want to live.” “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” “Certainty of death! Small chance of success! Well…what are we waiting for?” These lines come from the imagination of Hollywood or what their idea of rebellions and epics look like and they all pale in …
- Torah 101-Shlach Lecha June 9, 2017
It’s the rebellion before the even bigger rebellion. This week though the greatest danger to the Israelites is their own fears. They may say they fear giants and they may even believe the giants they saw are famed Nephilim, but none of that should matter because Father Yah promised to …
- Torah 101 will return June 8th! May 26, 2017
Due to having a Double Portion followed by the 2017 Shavuot Special, Torah 101 will return after Shavuot!
- Torah 101-Bamidbar May 18, 2017
It’s time for censuses in the desert…and if those two things sound boring to you separately,trust me they are anything but when put together. The census is far from a casual matter of facts and statistics; it is literally a matter of life and death, prosperity or disaster because, as …
- Torah 101-Bechukkotai May 11, 2017
One call ends—another is ready to begin. This parsha we witness the last part of Leviticus as the final rules are laid down for Israel while they have been encamped at Mount Sinai for the last two years. One last chance to understand the intricate rules of harvesting, Jubilees, special …
- Torah 101-BaHar May 4, 2017
Enter the mysteries of the Land Sabbaths and Jubilees for this is the only parsha where they are discussed in detail! These rules are so beautiful and so intricate that I actually revised my notes after I gave the lecture to make sure the facts were being related to all …
- Torah 101-Emor April 27, 2017
It’s time to set your calendar…literally. As we enter into these final chapters of Leviticus (Vayikra), we are once more immersed in details of the calendar, Torah observance and even a bit of prophecy, as some of the strongest clues about how to keep the appointed times are given this …
- Torah 101 will return April 27th for Emor! March 23, 2017
Torah 101 will return April 27th for Emor!
- Torah 101-Shemini March 17, 2017
The family that strays together, pays together, in this case, the ultimate price, as two sons of Aaron die before Father Yah for offering unauthorized fire. What does that really mean, we’ll explore the full ins and outs of this challenging parsha together. This is followed by a detailed discussion …