The 2021 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Welcome to 2021, a year that is poised to be a wonderful year of great stability with and interesting variations from the rabbinic calendar. Explore the timeless beauty of sophisticated Torah astronomy and flawless, never to go out of date Torah math. Enjoy!

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2020 Hanukkah Special!

Literally from Genesis to Revelation, Hanukkah is an event prophesied thousands of years in advance and its influence extends thousands of years after it actually happened. Learn about the “Hidden Hanukkah” as well as go deep into the extant historical sources. Also enjoy a special update on how “the Star of Bethlehem” returns this year, on December 21st. Enjoy!

Click Link to Download the Notes for Tablets and Mobile Phones

2020 Sukkot Special!

The Feast of Ingathering…Remembering the years in the Wilderness…The Grape Harvest…The Birth of the Messiah, and possibly even his Second Coming area all tied up in Sukkot. Explore the deep connections that literally run from Genesis to Revelation. Sukkot is a feast like no other and the highlight of the entire year!

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2020 Yom Kippur Special!

It’s the holiest day of the entire year and yet this is so much more than just fasting. It’s about reformation, repentance, and even the return of Yeshua the Messiah. Explore the connections across the full breadth of Scripture in this special nearly 2 1/2 hour program and have a good fast!

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2020 Yom Teruah Special!

Enjoy the 2020 Yom Teruah Special. From the heart of the Torah to the end of Revelation, Yom Teruah is a feast like no other. Our theme throughout: resetting cycles of time for new beginnings and setting up our prophetic future for Yeshua the Messiah’s return! Keep Reeding

The 2020 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!

Many fascinating things are happening with this new year. I pray 2020 is a time of great joy and revelation for all! Enjoy.

2020 Pesach Special!

From our Passover Seder to yours, we wish you a joyous feast season! Chag Sameyach Pesach. Our private Seder with Father YAH and Elijah. Praying for all of you, that you are well and staying safe. The Aaronic Blessing video was done at the conclusion of the Seder. Blessings. Andrew and Jaye

Pesach Videos are just below! Enjoy!

Experience the miraculous deliverance of Israel and her companions from the greatest empire on the planet in a brand new and engaging way! This year’s Pesach Special is packed with the latest research and insights that bring a new level to this timeless story of Yahweh’s deliverance! Enjoy! Keep Reeding

2020 Purim Special!

Chag Sameyach! Explore the amazing biblical and historical roots of Purim as we go deep into the origins and surprising connections of this great deliverance story. Enjoy! Keep Reeding

Channel 24 Bonus Teaching: Returning to the Ancient Path of Messiah!

Our special Hebrew Roots introductory videos done for Channel 24 continues. In this installment we look at how the Scripture defines our true path as believers in Messiah before traditions came along to obscure it. Presented in an easy to follow and non-technical style, join me as I continue the outreach of Torah truth to show we are not a “New Testament only” dispensation. Enjoy!

2019 Hanukkah Special (Audio Portion)

Explore the fascinating prophetic roots of Hanukkah, literally from Genesis to Revelation! Enjoy!

2019 Hanukkah Special

Explore the fascinating prophetic roots of Hanukkah, literally from Genesis to Revelation! Enjoy!

[pdf ]

2019 Sukkot Special (Audio Version)

From the deep foreshadowings of Genesis to the heart of Revelation and straight on to our apocalyptic future, see how Sukkot looms large over all things scriptural! With deep and penetrating bonus features on the entire history of this greatest of all feasts, explore the connections that show us exactly when Messiah was born and may very well point to when he is coming back. It’s the greatest feast special of them all, so don’t miss it!